Survey Project feedback before I turn it in

Finished up my survey after redoing it to my vision. Check it out, critique me, let me know what could be changed, stuff like that.

I added tooltips to the checkbox area so please check them out and let me know if they are legible and sized ok.

I think you did a good job.
Some small suggestion:
_Drop-down selection box you should align it with each other. Also, should have some space between two near drop-down selection box (in particular is the part what type of home … and If other)
_You may consider to fix the size of text-area since the user can easily resize it

Ok, so add some space between the drop-down question and the “If Other” part of that question? Definitely can do. I’ll also resize the text area a few columns shorter. I was just trying to fill some space, but I also don’t want it to seem too larger.

I’m not too sure how to align the drop-down box and the input box. I was thinking about that before posting on here too…lemme try to tinker with it some.

Thanks for taking some time with it!

Ok, actually, I think I figured it out? Could you take a look and see if that works?

It seems like you use margin to align the drop-down box. It look better now.
One point I think you need to fix is to write CSS in case of small device like mobile
Your form doesn’t look really well in small screen.

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Thanks, I’ve been checking back and forth on my laptop and my phone and I do see that my page doesn’t stay fixed to my phone screen. I gotta play around with it to see what to do, I always run into that snag.