Survey project not accepting my dropdown menu

This project ask me to make a drop down menu, however after I made it and have 2 options, it claims that there are not, in fact, 2 selectable options. Been at this for an hour and even re-wrote the entire code to get it working properly once, really annoying its still not accepting it.

You should be using the html element associated with the dropdown, “select” element with nested “option” elements. Also you can put all your styling in the css section of Codepen editor, instead of using the style html element. Also if you wanted to style on the html file the style element should be nested in the head element, but that is discouraged; stylesheet files and html files should be seperate. If you follow the instructions for the project, that should make it easier to pass the project.

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@Zie62, that’s not exactly the way you’d create a dropdown. A button is something else. Read about the HTML select tag here and try applying it to your form.

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Thank you! I seemed to have missed the select element in my notes and didnt even realize it existed. Also thanks for the formatting advice, I just had some troubles using the css section earlier (just a matter of getting used to the platform) which is why it was formatted like a monkey wrote it. :smiley:

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Thank you! Very very helpful and concise answer.