Tribute to Harambe - rest in peace brother x

A small but humble tribute to Harambe. Any feedback would be swell. Sah dudes.


I love the use of positive/negative space on the title! The design is very minimalist and clear.

I also learned about viewport-sized type from looking at your page (super noob, here!).

Thanks, glad you like it. Only figured them out myself yesterday when trying to open it on my mobile and realising it had gone to poop :slight_smile:


I really like the layout and color scheme. The middle text seems a bit dry, maybe it’s just the font though. Awesome job!

:cry: beautiful. absolutely beautiful.


Thanks for the responses guys, shall take them on-board. Would very much like to spend more time tweaking this project but am eager to advance. Alas Harambe’s tribute shall have to stay the same until I can revisit it with more knowledge. Thanks all X

your last line made my day

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