Wanna join an active FCC-group?

Hi there,

we are 5 active fcc-students who like to help eachother out every day. We feel like our group is a bit small, and would like to make some new friends. We’ve been together for a year now, with no joiners/leavers. We talk about code, challenges, zips, trouble, personal projects, js, es6, our webpack-headaches, personal background stories, vacation, the weather, Quincy’s underpants, my dog, food, life, mark zuckerberg rocket-fails, and a milion other things.

Lately, we feel a shift from code to Quincy’s underpants talk and we think that new blood will help us move back to the code, help people, and get help.

plz leave a note here if ur intested to join, and have at least done SOME of the work on ur own. It would be nice if ur somewhere around the weather app. Because we like to talk about weather so much. But most important, ur cool, helping, social and you’ve set ur mind on becomming a web-dev, and you love FCC (plz, spare us the details).

take care, and happy coding!


I’m interested in joining. I am new to FreeCodeCamp and anything web design past the basics in general. I am a Student who has had more in-depth experience with C/C++, Python and Java amongst others, but am finding web design a new challenge.

I am currently part way through the OO and Functional Programming section but progressing. I want to have a rounded experience set for when I leave Uni so I know where I want to specialise. My biggest issue with front-end development is the content, I have no idea what to fill the page with. I have an interest in CSS3 animations and will look into that more as I get more comfortable with other areas of web design. I will be here till I have completed the courses.

Let me know if you want me :slight_smile: