Web development

after like 2 years of wanting to start web dev, im finally starting now. idk any basics of coding or even html so i started with the web design courses from the freecodecamp. any suggestions on how to learn quickly and efficiently??? i wanna land a job after learning it bc im usually doing graphic design. Also, does anyone know what or how to start UI/UX design as a nood who doesnt know anything??

Learning programming isn’t really ‘quick’.

  1. I would say it will take min 6 - 12 months based on your determination, consistency and most important “perseverance”. ( Do read “Atomic Habits” )

  2. Learn with a liked minded team and by building loads of projects ( simple to complex gradually ) This is from my personal experiences

  3. Do consider “Product Designer” role as well as you mentioned about UI/UX, do check below reply on that role
    Hate html and css, want to like it - #4 by vikramvi

There are few good UI/UX role on YT, do check them and make notes.

All the very best

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6-12 months is an extremely fast and optimistic timeline.


can u suggest some cjannels that teach ui designs as well as ux. Also, how do i make this interesting it gets quite boring

You need to do research yourself as I’m not a designer by profession.

You can check YT and ask in relevant forums as well.

The best way to grow your skills is to seek inspiration and practice creating something unique. This will help you remember the key steps and fundamentals of web design. Don’t limit yourself to just one platform—explore different tools and approaches. I’ve spent countless hours practicing both web development and UI/UX design, and it’s made all the difference.