What to learn as a beginner?

i am a newbie and have no idea what to learn.I need to learn something to get a job quickly.

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Hello moorlord,

Basicly 99% of self thought Developers say, one should start with HTML CSS and Javascript.
After that you can choose your path into other languages and also check what you like.
Frontend Backend Fullstack etc.



Just be aware that you cannot expect to get a job quickly (no matter what bootcamp owners are telling you).

It took me almost two years from the start to get my first job. I paid for most of my training and the IT job market is still great in Germany.

Expect at least a year and that’s when you are able to write impressive apps (clean code, full of functionality, with a clean UI) for your portfolio at that point.

Maybe tech support is a faster way into the tech industry, but I have no experience working in this field.

Here’s a bit more info from CompTIA:


If you want to learn for free through freeCodeCamp, then you should start at the top of the FCC Curriculum with the Responsive Web Design certification, and work through the certifications in order (top-to-bottom).

You should expect each certification to take around 300 hours to complete.


Welcome to FCC Forum!

As previously stated, it is a good idea to start with the beginning.

Participating in the forum, asking questions and helping guide others is great experience and learning, too. We do not provide the answers to the questions. Rather we guide people to find the answers. And, no question is dumb. This is how we all learn.

I am attaching a link to Quincy’s Book

Quincy’s Book - How to Learn to Code & Get a Developer Job

And, the Beginners Handbook for JavaScript.

FCC News JavaScript Handbook for Beginners

As well, you could check out the freeCodeCamp You Tube Channel, and the Podcasts which provide both great information and great inspiration.

Once you are beginning to feel comfortable, or even now, you could check sites, for example upwork.com to see what is in demand, what is available, and know if you want to freelance, where you can post for freelance work.

You can do it! And, the forum community can guide you, when you need help.

Happy coding!


So you want to say sir that we need at-least 1 year to be good in IT sector.

Then we will be able to secure a job ?

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Development is a brainstorming and patience process. First of all you should learn basic from free resource then if you think this is suite for you then follow a perfect mentor. I think this is a good process for a newbie developer.


Thanks for replying sir :blush:

I will surely do that.

It can be overwhelming starting out, but here’s a tip: go for a skill that interests you. Whether it’s digital marketing, coding, design, or data analysis, pick something that excites you. Tech skills like Python or UX design are often in demand. And here’s the key: showcase what you learn—build a portfolio or contribute to projects. Passion fuels the journey! You’ve got this!

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