Hi! I just wanted to contribute with a couple of resources that I’ve been using throughout my learning process, maybe you’ll find some of those useful 
First of all, I would definitely agree with @ArielLeslie and @thespragg that freeCodeCamp has an excellent curriculum. You get to learn a lot, you get hands-on practice in every lesson and you also have 5 projects at the end of each certificate which can really help you practice independent coding. So this is definitely my top recommendation.
As for the other courses out there, I like the edX platform (you can audit the courses for free, do all the exercises and everything or you can pay if you want an official certificate). There’s a series of 5 courses called Front-End Web Developer offered by W3C. The first two courses there (CSS Basics and HTML and CSS Fundamentals) are pretty good (especially the first one with Kasey Champion as an instructor, she is really excellent). I’ve tried auditing the JavaScript course as well, but I personally wouldn’t recommend it since I though it was really hectic and unstructured, and the other two courses are taught by the same instructor so I didn’t even bother trying and can’t vouch for their quality.
There’s another course on edX - Designing a Technical Solution by Microsoft - but this one is very general, half the course is not even about coding but more about the process of planning the design and so on. In any case, it might be a good introduction, although it’s definitely far from comprehensive. The plus side is that you have a couple of projects, as far as I can recall (it’s been a while since I’ve taken it, so this might just be my mind playing tricks on me
And last but definitely not least is W3Schools - awesome resource, they have great tutorials, a lot of code examples, some exercises too. It’s maybe not the best place to learn in isolation especially if you’re looking for projects and they don’t have videos or anything like that, but I can’t recommend it enough as at least an additional resource.
And one other important point: no course will ever replace the good old practice. There’s really no better way to learn than working on your own project, getting stuck and then trying to find a solution, tweaking and experimenting. Courses are a great way to start (I myself am a sucker your courses), but your skills will only truly develop once you get your hands dirty 
Hope this helps and I’m looking forward to seeing other suggestions in this thread!