Where do I go next?

Hi all,

I will try to make this as clear and concise as possible. I dove into coding after a bit into the new year. I have really, really enjoyed the whole process. The puzzle-like aspect of piecing code together, and being successful with it, is extremely satisfying. I have been centering my studies through Free Code Camp, I have completed the CSS & HTML section, along with the JavaScript section. I have delved into the React section, and have been led to a Scrimba course on React. I got to a point involving “this” and “props” and a ton of the main React concepts, and it overwhelmed me greatly. I felt I was gaining solid ground, but it posed a wall I stopped at.

I had to leave town for 10 days, so it’s now been about two weeks without coding. I feel fully rejuvenated and ready to work, but I feel out of the flow. I don’t know what direction to head in, as I’ve always been the type of individual who can work hard as hell, but just needs minor direction. Not my hand held, just some pointers.

I’ve been to the point I’m considering attending an online boot camp for that discipline and “push”, but I am more than hesitant to join one, as I’ve heard good… and very poor, things about all of these courses.

I would love to continue to study on my own, and refrain from shoveling money at a half-effort boot camp, but that seems like the only way… In my state of mind currently.

I am a 20 year old kid, who works ~ 30 hours at a local restaurant, Thursday - Sunday each week, and have Monday - Wednesday off. It’s tough to stay focused and motivated.

I am just seeking any sort of advice, personal experience, or tips, that may have helped you. Should I look into a boot camp, or just continue the self study grind? It can seem pretty hopeless at times.

Thank you so much!

Checkout javascript30.com — this is worth the investment and can help you learn by doing. I see a lot of new developers refraining from learning the Document Object Model (DOM) since JS frameworks like React and Vue give us leeway on development time, hence it’s important to learn how frameworks are implemented “under the hood” because you may come across an annoying bug.

I like to also keep myself updated with new web technologies… the YouTube channel
Traversy Media is an excellent resource


That looks like a great site! I’ll definitely check into it. And I’ll be sure to soak up that YouTube channel. Thanks!

My best advice is to commit a little bit of time to work on some personal projects.

Can be anything, from a utility website of your favourite videogames, to something you may use in your daily life (like a tips calculator).

Once you have some projects and experience you can start applying more confidently to jobs, if that’s your final intention, and leverage the fact that you are self taught and developed some basic project all while working in a restaurant.
That’s a good presentation of yourself.

I would say, that the hardest challenge is to keep a consistent schedule, but I’m sure you can do it :slight_smile:


Do like @Marmiz said and also go to freelancer or fiverr and look at the various projects and project descriptions and see if you can do that one your own too. You don’t have to take up that gig or project rather try it yourself. Look for simple projects and slowly build confidence.

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I appreciate that greatly - wonderful advice. I suppose I’m not sure when to prioritize building, over learning new content. I know you should always push yourself to learn more, but building projects takes a lot of focus and energy.

Would it be a worthwhile goal to just focus on completing the FCC curriculum before attempting a solo project on my own - and stick with the FCC projects for now?

That’s a sweet idea. I suppose I’ve been intimidated by the idea of doing so, due to “impostor syndrome”. It’s easy to become overwhelmed looking at other projects and other’s work.

When would you recommend is a good time to approach those gigs/projects, instead of jamming your head straight through education? I know attempting those projects will bring their own issues to force you to learn more; however, when do you justify, “Okay, I have enough information to build some beginner projects.” ?

Since you have a working knowledge of HTML CSS and Javascript, why not right away. And don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Look at a simple project and see if you can create or recreate with your current level of knowledge.
Also checkout this video. It really helped me to overcome my fear of trying out new stuff.

From my own experience both as a developer and (rarely) an interviewer I’d say that the “actual” learning is when you build something.
Otherwise sure, you know the theory, but on the job that’s not enough, you need also the confidence, and that usually comes with practice

.That’s actually a fantastic idea. A common mistake people does when learning is jumping from one argument to another without having the time to settle the concept learned so far.
So sticking to something until its done is a very wise move :slight_smile: