Where do you practice html/CSS?


I just started the curriculum. The lessons are great but I was wondering where do people practice writing HTML/CSS? Is there something I need to setup on my computer or is there a site for this?

Thanks a lot!

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Hey lolo9!

Codepen might help you. How far along are you? The last part of the ‘Responsive Web Design’ course are projects that are done using Codepen. Use google to find, as I’m unable to post links

Good luck!

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Hey Newman5,

I started yesterday and it’s been so interested! I’m hooked.

Thanks for the information. I’ll check it out!

I’m glad you like it. I really like it too. Good Luck on spending quality time and learning more each day.

These courses are really very good, and if you practice, you can build whatever you want!

Hi !

You can pick a tool like : notepad++ or atom or visual studio
There are plenty of them so maybe you’ll have to try to find the one you prefer

Good travel into the curriculum !