Any free sites that has "homework"- aka challenges/assignments for a beginner?

Hi, I’m a total beginner and just went through the HTML curriculum. To practice what I learned, I joined CodePen which seems great.
But now I am hoping to find a free site that would offer some sort of “homework” to apply what I learned (and be able to test that it works)… Does such a site exist? One that would offer challenges/assignments?
I made a test-project in CodePen which was really helpful. But I wouldn’t mind a bit more homework before moving on to CSS.
Any recommendations would be appreciated!

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Ok, so the suggested curriculum is to work through all the chapters leading up to the responsive design projects? I realize that HTML and CSS aren’t even considered programming languages and are “baby steps” in the coding world, but it just seems like a lot of information to absorb without ever having been reviewed prior to the responsive design projects. Given that every aspect of what I’m learning is entirely new, I was hoping to find some way to review it. I learned a few spoken languages, and most people can’t just see a verb once and automatically have it memorized…

You shouldn’t learn coding in the same way as a spoken language, but instead you should familiarise yourself with documentation and consult that often. The projects are a way to put that in practice after familiarising with the basic syntax in all the previous challenges

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Thanks. I am not seeking to force my experiences learning a language onto learning to code, but I am confident that the concept of reviewing something you’ve just learned to reinforce your understanding of it is a universal one. It seems to me that the responsive design projects are more akin to a final exam; you do homework to review what you’ve just learned- and there have to be at least 200+ lessons between the start of the curriculum and the projects. If someone can go through each one of them once, and recall everything at the end of it, then I guess they are smarter than me. In my case, I need to review what I’ve learned, as I’m learning it. Which is why I wanted to know if there were any sites to practice. You recommended CodePen which was great to mess around with… I was just looking for a similar site with some sort of challenges.

The projects are not just a final exam, they are there to be your first experience in putting in practice what you learned.
you can totally do them when you want. And if you want to do the user stories of the projects that you can do now, do that. It’s practice. You don’t need to to the projects in one single sitting.

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Thanks. I’ll check them out and see what I can do with them.