Hi, new here. I just graduated college in a degree other than ComSci since I feel I can learn better from the Internet than a professor. I’m comfortable with HTML, CSS, and JS but I want to get more into software languages. But with a variety to choose from such as Java, C, C++, Python, etc…I have no idea where to begin? What would you all recommend? I really want a familiarity with a wide variety of languages as I’d like to get a really good job (obviously) after self-teaching myself. Thanks in advance!
If you are expanding your toolset of langauges, I would suggest C++. It’s the Lowest level language after C and will help you grasp ideas of pointers and other datastructures that other high level languages don’t offer.
I think he makes a great point about learning C++. It can be used for writing things like operating systems and game engines, but I think I’ve heard from some sources that seem to suggest that C++ may be a bit harder to learn than other languages. From what I’ve been told, If you learn one language, then it should probably be JavaScript because it’s fairly easy to learn and it’s used in just about everything. I guess it also sort of depends on what you want to be able to make with that language.
As u said you are familiar with c,c++ and JavaScript now u can do some tasks in the frontend side. Now u can practice how to get APIs using JavaScript and use them in ur application… You can find jsonplaceholder which provides sample APIs for testing. After getting familiar with using Web APIs u can just create some sample web APIs using node… At the start send some static data using nodejs and when u got familiar with node u can just add mysql and become a full stack developer . Happy Coding
Python shouldn’t be hard to pick up. That was actually my first language. You can do a ton with it and even use it with SQL so you don’t have to learn SQL.
Since it’s a higher level language, you could always work on it with JavaScript and then once you have a good grasp on those, learn C++.
If the decision is between C and C++, I suggest learning C++ first, but learn modern C++. Do not bother with any C++ tutorial or book that was published before 2013. C++ has changed radically since its origins, and continues to evolve even now.
Overall, out of your choices, I actually recommend learning Python first. If you want to learn computer science and not just programming, I’d suggest a language like Scheme (via SICP) or Haskell