I started FCC java in April 22, 2019 and after learning at least 10 hours every day I got the certification in 10 days.
To be honest with you I felt my brain is burning but the method Read-Search-Ask helped me a lot.
What I learned is :
1-Know the syntax
2-Figure out how to solve the problem before start coding
3-Split the problem into small problems
4-Before start coding something: ask yourself may be there is a ready JS method (for example Array.isArray() is a ready method to test if an object is an array so you don’t need to code it again)
5-deal with js like puzzle and have fun
Wow you can’t believe how i feel today, after looooong nights , now I’ll take a break because I’m exhausted
Awesome job! That certificate feels super good, for sure, and I think it is where the light at the end of the tunnel really starts to shine. It is a great accomplishment working through all the algorithms, and your bullet points on what you learned I think reflect exactly the intent and benefit of the course.
about the 10 hours to be clear it’s not continuous, I’ve about 3 hours morning then about 4 hours afternoon and finally about 4 to 5 hours at night
I don’t know but I felt addictive and impatient to get the certificate And honestly some times I felt my brain is burning when I stack but i couldn’t stop . Now I feel good
the only thing you need to do to get a certificate is to complete the projects - all the other challenges are there to teach you/prepare you but are not mandatory
ok, Thanks so much ieahleen, i just completed the algorithm challenges
Palindrome checker,
Roman Numeral Converter,
Caesar’s Cipher,
Telephone Number Validator and
cash register. Are those the projects for the JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures Certification?