Write Your First Code Using C# - Trophy - Write Your First Code Using C#

Good morning/evening everyone! I have concluded one of the free Microsoft assessment to learn some basics of C# from Microsoft-learn site.
I have already concluded the required modules and I am facing an issue on the last part of them named **Trophy - Write Your First Code Using C#
I have linked my freeCodeCamp account with the Microsoft Username as it is required on the last part of the course in order to get the whole parts completed, however, once I am trying to verify the Trophy the system is not recognizing it and a header ribbon is popping-out saying that my Microsoft account has not earned this trophy, from the Microsoft learn dashboard I am seeing all the modules completed and 1 Trophy achieved so I need some help in order to get this issue solved, thanks in advance for any help!

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Write Your First Code Using C# - Trophy - Write Your First Code Using C#

have you followed these steps?

I’m having the same issue.
I can see my trophies at Profile | Microsoft Learn but not at the URL format freeCodeCamp is requiring. Profile | Microsoft Learn

it looks like that Microsoft had made changes to their API, now freeCodeCamp is updated to be on pair with that change, please try again

Thank you! The update fixed the issue for me.

kindly assist with how you were able to fix yours.
please be as detailed as possible.
its really frustrating to keep trying…