No : ) me personally, I just learned a bit of wordpress specific php and so far it’s been enough.
Brilliant to see Sergi, really inspiring. I’m starting out and so it shows me what can be achieved if I stick at it. I’m 41 and I’m absolutely fed up with my situation which has become a constant struggle trying to make ends meet. I don’t get to see my 7 year old daughter much as I’m away working a crappy job which I hate, my life is passing me by and so to think in just a few short months time, I can completely transform my whole life, is fantastic.
On top of that, I actually enjoy coding, it’s fun, I only wish I had discovered it years ago but better now than never.
Anyway mate, well done on your achievements!
I hear you. The guy who hired me did ask me, “how come you discovered this this late in your life”?And I said the truth, that I tried different things but non really clicked untill this, that is the first thing that I find that I actually have fun studying and that I study it in my free time because I enjoy it. Also that I didn’t have referents that made me think it was possible to really learn a skill like this by myself but that this is an industry dominated by people who wish to always keep on learning. Like for example, CSS grid will probably be big soon, maybe someone who graduated 3 years ago won’t want to learn it, I know I will and that I have already started so that’s key. If you put in the work you just need to find someone with a simillar mentality.
please share a link to the udemy course
Congratulations!!! Where were you applying for jobs?
It’s 200 dollars now, I got it in a sale for like 12…
Great work. I hope to be a Frontend Developer in the near future. Thanks for sharing.