Can you explain how did you assign the 300 hours

can you explain how did you assign the 300 hours because if that’s the hours that we need then we cant finish it in a week with other subjects right? (I’m a student)

It’s a rough estimate of how long it is likely to take someone to go through the material. No one is timed. It’s just a guess.

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Hi @gsragay.student !

Welcome to the forum!

As mentioned, the 300 hundreds is just an estimate.

The projects for each of the certification end up taking more time than the challenges themselves.

I would say the basic javascript course is probably the longest from my experience.

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Thank you. I’ve read in some comments from that " the estimation is based on 50 hours for the challenges and 50 hours for each project "

I just really need some solid reasons why I can’t finish this cert in a week, when I am a full time student.

That’s interesting.

From my experience the first few projects in the certification didn’t require as much code as the as the last two projects.

For example, in the front end cert, I felt like I spent twice as much time on the calculator and pomodoro clock then I did with the markdown previewer and the random quote machine.

Most people don’t do it in a week.
The only time I have seen that done is if the person has had previous programming experience and is able to breeze through the challenges and projects.

Like this guy who has been a professional programmer since 2013

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I not entirely a beginner but I have a game thesis this semester (+4 subjects) and the due dates are not doable.
I’d rather provide proof to extend than get a deduction. haha

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