Celestial Bodies Database - How to Save the Project

Hello, I completed the project, but I’m not sure how to submit it. The tutorial said that the instructions would be in the virtual machine, but I’m still confused on what to do. How do I save a dump of the database? I tried to hit the “save” button under file but that didn’t turn out right. What’s the public repository? And is “universe.sql” what I’m supposed to be renaming the file to or is that a location I need to save to? Please help and be as clear as possible as this is completely new to me.

When you finish the course and all the test passed, successfully, you issue this command, in the terminal, to save it in a file named universe.sql.

pg_dump -cC --inserts -U freecodecamp universe > universe.sql

After that you must upload that file to a public github repository that you create in your account. Following that you go to the page in freecodecamp where you started the course and enter the url of this public github repo that you authored.

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