Technically, as long as your projects pass the automatic checks, you are all good and will earn the certification.
HOWEVER, these projects are the perfect time to practice everything you’ve been learning - so why not spend an extra bit of time making sure they look good and the code is clean?
If that still isn’t enough motivation…
When you earn your certificate, it will be accessible via a link (which you might want to share on your LinkedIn profile or elsewhere to help with getting a job), and on that link is a list for visitors to view the projects you made. So it would look a bit silly if you want to show off your qualification to people, only for them to then click through to the work you did to actually earn the qualification, for the projects to be poor and of a low standard. It would take away from the achievement.
For example I just finished my first fCC JS project. Take a look below. I could have done pretty much zero CSS styling and would’ve still passed, but instead I wanted to make it something actually pleasant to look at and use. It makes it something I’d actually be happy to share and for potential employers to look at: