CodePen Needs Correction

Please Help go through my Tribute Page CodePen and checkmate neccessary correction

thanks so much

Hi, there
Your page passes all the test, is there something specific you are unsure about?

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Thanks so much for your response Chris
My page needs media query
It does not look good on mobile and I need help on that

oh ok
one thing I notice is that you should add some padding on the right of your tribute info:

but that is not related to a media query
how would you like your design to change on smaller viewports?

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Thanks a lot more Chris
I’ll work on that
And if still a challenge.

I also will like to ask, do you think the colors make sense of the aesthetic aspect the tribute page???

aesthetic wise I would change the color of your title to something with more contrast especially for mobile users.
Also I would not use italics for the entire info section, typically italics are reserved for quotes or disclaimers
I think a different font would improve the readability of the section

You are a genius Chris
I’ll make improve soon

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Hey Chris
Please kindly Check out my survey page

Thanks so much Chris