Since starting with Freecodecamp in last September, I was looking forward to being in a position that will allow me to write this post. But after being hired I just didn’t have the time. So just to make this post happen I’ll make it short and sweet, which will leave me with more time for answering questions.
So what job did I find?
A full stack developer, 70% front end(React), 30% back end(Java + Mysql), 15% Devops, 15% product marketing and analytics(It’s a startup, so at base level you give 130% of your time and energy, preferably more).
How did I get invited to an interview?
They contacted me after finding me on Github.
The good:
I have two senior developers in charge of me, who are super knowledgeable in lots of different fields, and I learn a lot from them on all elements of creating a SASS product. Also everyone else are super awesome. I also get to do and be in charge of things that I wouldn’t get to be involved in - in a big company.
The Bad:
After 10 hours of work each day, I struggle with learning new things in my spare time. Things I need to know in order to advance my newfound career.
The ugly:
The hot and sticky weather.
How long did I study?
9 months of 8-12 hours of studying each day.
How long did it take me to find a job since I started looking for one?
About one month.
In what way did Freecodecamp help me the most?
The algorithm training. I really enjoyed it, which helped with my overall motivation. And it set me apart from other interviewees - who didn’t even know how to reverse a string in JS.
Not to mention the questions about the JS engine, closures, OOP etc.
What would I have done differently?
Spent less time on CSS and SASS, and instead focus more on backend and database related topics.
Thank you @QuincyLarson for bringing your passion to help others through this amazing project, and for allowing me to change my life in such a meaningful way.
Everyone, feel free to ask anything, and I’ll try to get to answering it as soon as possible.