freeCodeCamp equivalent for UI/UX design?

Do you guys know of anything similar to freecodecamp for UI/UX design? There are a few specializations on Coursera that I like, but I don’t want to spend that money right now … I also saw a couple of “newsletter courses”, but then they don’t have that curriculum and structured exercises …

If any of you happen to have recommendations, I would appreciate it. Thanks.

Hi, I’m interested in those specializations in Coursera. Could you link them please? :slight_smile:
Also, I think that you can you can search the specific courses that are part of the specialization and audit them singularly, so, unless you don’t need the certificate, you won’t pay.
I’ve done this with the courses of the Hong Kong university, which I highly recommend for React, btw.


Hey, I started the “UI / UX Design Specialization” by Calarts. The second one that looked interesting to me was “Interaction Design Specialization” by UC San Diego.

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Good Evening

Like yourself, I am also interested to study UI/UX design and I have been doing some basic researching and frankly, I am yet to find a Bootcamp that will not hurt our piggy bank.

They may not be Bootcamps, but I watch this video the other day promoting free courses. (Warning: the video is 20+ minutes long but it is listed in the description) .

As I mentioned above, I did basic research and did not look into it thoroughly so I can’t answer if these courses are what you are looking for.

I wish you all the best and I will let you know if I do find one in the meantime :slight_smile:


What I wanted to add earlier is that basically when you enroll in a course on Coursera they’ll give you the option to start a 7-days free trial.
Under that, written tiny tiny tiny, there is the option to audit the course. It’ll be free but you won’t have the certificate nor you’ll be able to do the end of the week projects.

2 Likes Thank you. Did not yet look at all the resources, but this video seems to be quite useful.

@simonebogni Thank you for the hint about the free option. The current interface actually got me somewhat confused about whether you really can take them for free, or this is just a trial. The certificate question… I guess I am not sure about the financial trade-off right now … since you have to pay on a monthly subscription basis it’s uneconomical to do them slowly on the side … so all the happier about the freeCodeCamp way :slight_smile: Great content/platform/community plus free certificate option is an amazing gift.

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Some resources. Hack Design is quite good, I think:


Not the same (because design is different than development) but you can check this three free courses:


Late to the party but here are some resources you can use to learn UX UI either for free or dirt cheap prices.

First if you are in US/Canada most of the bigger libraries from cities offer free Lynda membership make a card with them and off you go tons and tons of UX/UI content there.

nice article here on self taught route:

for mostly UI related courses

Check out this site dirt cheap price :

for UX UI again dirt cheap prices but they do one or two course at time this is the catch
check interaction design dot org sorry I cant share more than two links as I am not allowed as being a new user.

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I was looking for the information regarding the same. Thanks!

Frequently the uxcollective has treasures, here is I think one of the larger ones: