hi there,
6 months ago I decided to learn web development, I joined freecodecamp and started doing the challenges and the projects, I also started reading a few introductory books, it was never frustrating to me, I really enjoyed every single moment coding, reading and searching through hundreds of pages. I reached the advanced algorithm scripting stage in the front end development certification course in 2 months, after that, a few bad things happened in my life, I stopped coding, not because I hated it, but because I went through difficult life conditions, today i finally managed to sort everything out, and i’d like to continue learning, problem is … i didn’t write or read a single line of code in 6 months, i don’t know what to do now, should i re-do the front end course? or should i just read through my old code? i hardly remember anything beside the main concepts, i can still however undrstand a decent amount of my old JS scripts, i’d really appreciate any help at this point.
thanks a lot for your time.