Got my Javascript Certification after 1 month!

Finally! After a month of coding (and procrastinating) I finally completed FCC’s Javascript section.

The last few challenges are pretty hard, but I somehow got it done by re-reading sections to refresh my memory on how to implement certain functions. That, and a bit of researching whenever I get stuck.

And honestly, I’ve learned a lot more from FCC so far compared to the 2+ years I spent on college a few years back. Maybe dropping out was a good decision after all lol. :sweat_smile:

I now have 2 FCC certificates. 4 more to go. :grinning:


keep rocking, i think am motivated too


Congratulations! I am struggling with this certification right now. Some parts in the ES6 chapter were really hard for me.


Bit by bit you’ll get there ! :slight_smile:


Congrats buddy! Keep on :fire::muscle:

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Skip the ES6 section and come back to it later, maybe right after you finish the Functional Programming section. That’s what I did because ES6 didn’t make sense to me at first especially the higher order functions, but I eventually understood it after finishing Functional Programming. Most of the stuff from ES6 are explained there in full detail. :slight_smile:


So after the Basic JS section, you recommend to skip the ES6 section, and come back to it later, after the Functional Programming part?

Well, I completed the Responsive Web Design Certification, but I’ve not received any cert yet. Is there another process that should be followed to receive the certification or I should just wait?

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You should go to settings, then Click “Accept the Academic Honesty Policy”, then below to this section, click on the “Receive Certification” button.
Congrats :partying_face:

Yep, that’s pretty much what I did. Some parts of the ES6 section wouldn’t make sense until you learn some stuff first, like the higher order function and arrow function challenges. FCC should’ve put the ES6 section in the latter part of the Javascript curriculum in my opinion.

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Yeah, go to your settings and just follow what @ItamarRosenblum said. And congrats for getting that certification. The challenges will be harder from here on out but it will be worth it once you learn them. I’m personally stuck in the React section of the Front End Libraries Certification, but I’m currently working on it. :grin:


Thanks Itamar and congrats :clap:


Wow! This clarifies A LOT for me. Thanks!

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Bravo !!! keep going you almost done.

Amazing! Congrats! :smiley:

Congratulations! How many hours do you study a day on average?

I’d say 6 hours at the very least. I’m currently unemployed so I pretty much have all day to study. :slightly_smiling_face:

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