I lost my account a few months ago, so I started all over. At first i was kinda sad, but now I look at it as a blessing. I’m just finishing first module and about to head to Javascript. My Projects now look so much better!(also going to school is helping) I just undersatnd things so much better, I think i sped through it last time and that was dumb of me. I took my time this time. Everything is just sticking and I love it. The message I have for people just starting it out is to take your time. Especially if you plan to make this your livelyhood. Happy NEW YEAR!
I’m sorry you experienced that frustration, but I’m glad to hear you’re making it work out to your advantage. Happy coding!
This really put a smile on my face. Thanks for sharing. Long live blessings in disguise!
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Good on you for not being discouraged by a setback. Happy to hear you’re feeling more confident now!
It is a nice post.
Thanks for sharing this
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