Hi everybody can you help me

Hey Everybody,

I’ve recently started my journey on freeCodeCamp, and presently I have completed 115 of the 1409 total challenges.I’m interested in finding out how many challenges would I have to complete and gain the requisite experience before I’d be able to apply for any jobs, and the nature of the jobs I could apply for what sort of jobs could I apply for initially.Furthermore after completing the entire course i.e., the challenges, projects and certifications, What would my position be then ?


I’d be really grateful if anybody could tell how and where to practice what I’ve learned so far i.e., a console of some sort or a tool.(I’m not sure what the appropriate term would be.).I’m quite new to programming and I am in the process of getting acquainted with the programming jargon.

Anticipating a positive response from the community.

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The challenges in FCC are there to show you some tools to complete some specific use-cases. The projects are there as the actual tests of your skills and knowledge.

If you want to see what you really need, skip all the challenges and start a project and see what it takes. Don’t expect to instantly finish the project, or even know where to start, projects are the closest you can get to a real development project with all the freedom and challenges you would normally run into with the average project.

If you completed everything you can say you have experience with full stack web development, along with experience with things like data-science.

The best way to practice is to go out and build your own side-projects with the skills you have so far, so if you have a portfolio you can build more static web pages. Id say once you learn Jquery you can build something more complex, but you will start to see the “limits” of JQuery based sites.

Don’t limit your learning to just FCC, side projects are great times to expand what you learn to include new things.

Once you learn React, and a good amount of JS you can probably build almost anything complex. (With help of external sources for React/JS).

Throw in the nodejs+database sections and at that point you can build the average full-stack JS app using the MERN stack.

Your always welcome to apply to jobs at any time, you might get lucky and get a job with 0 to no experience, or get rejected. The key is to learn why your rejected for a job, so you can go out and improve your skills that you are lacking. If its just simple experience, find out what experience you can and go seek out ways to get that experience.

I think FCC teaches a good amount of topics, but depending on the job you probably would want to focus on other materials, or more experience with what FCC teaches. For example, if your applying to a job where they use VueJS, your React skills kind of carry over, but VueJS might be a better bet if most jobs in your area ask for that. (This is just an example)

Goodluck, keep learning :smile:

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Visual studio code with its liveserver is a convenient way to practice HTML/CSS/JS.

If you want to get a job ASAP you need to network and get an experienced mentor who will guide you through the process. Free code camp tries exposing you to lots of different technologies, but the reality is as a junior developer your most important skills will be, in no particular order:

  1. reading code
  2. learning new things every day, as fast as you can
  3. being able to withstand the pressure of constantly getting frustrated and not giving up
  4. being a good team player and a positive influence on others, being able to fit in

I’d say skills 2-4 are what most legit junior positions are looking for in their candidates, your tech skills/stack/qualifications don’t matter as much as your “soft skills”. Not saying tech is not important, just saying that it’s not going to be a deciding factor once you get past the HR screening.

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Dear bradtaniguchi,
I hope this finds you well, Kudos and Laurels to you.
Your reply was very helpful and motivational, thank you so much for your valuable time and consideration.I hope you have a great day .

Thank You.

Dear NickEu,
I hope you are doing great, I’m really grateful and thankful to you, as a matter of fact I feel indebted to you for leaving a reply that was very informative and helpful.
Thank you, for taking out the time to leave a reply.I hope you have a great day .

je vous remercie du fond du coeur