How do you actually get a coding interview?

I read this:

he says:

1 interview for every 5 applications.

I did 30-40 and no one called.

this guy got 60 interviews in 30 days, How does one actually get a coding interview? I am reading on the forums and other places about people actually getting interviews. How am I supposed to know what I’m supposed to focus on/improve if I cant get a coding interview.

Should I go back to school? finish all the freecodecamp projects ? pay for a bootcamp? work on completing my own projects? Train on leetcode? Maybe I get a coding interview in another ten years…

I had some people reach out to me about building drag and drop websites on wordpress/wix/webflow for not very much… I could have done that without studying coding. Writing code and solving problems are enjoyable, but… What’s the point in all this?

Edit: oh now I see he has a masters from carnegie melon… obviously much more qualified.

Hi @kravmaguy !

I think you should share your resume and portfolio with the forum.
That way people can provide feedback that can help you land an interview.

Plus, a lot of the professionals on here review portfolios and resumes and provide some really great advice.


He’s got 5 years experience, that’s more relevant.

I think it’s been stressed before, but be careful with these articles. Don’t compare yourself here: this is an experienced software engineer with degree level qualifications. Yes, it is very hard to get a first job, particularly when self-taught.

It is well paid, skilled work that is often highly rewarding. Unlike almost all other jobs of a similar pay grade and required skill level, it is open to those without certification. It is, however, still a skilled job, and companies are wary of making hiring errors. Developers are expensive, software development is expensive, and generally large amounts of company profit depend upon the end result of it. Coupled to this, we are in the midst of an extremely deep worldwide recession, which is in some ways worse than 2008.

Imo do this, don’t dismiss it because you think it’s below you. As a developer, lots work tends to be boring run of the mill maintainence type stuff. The people reaching out just want help getting an end product built. Careful re price that you’re not being taken advantage of, but if the work is not difficult and you can do it quickly then take it.


To further on this one point, there is one silver lining. More people, and jobs are becoming more reliant on software moving forward. It could be something as simple as meeting on Zoom, rather than in person. Or something as large as migrating a percentage of your global workforce to be working remotely. This sort of transition was always bound to happen, but due to the pandemic this trend has accelerated.

In both cases where companies interact with customers virtually, and where employees interact virtually, software will become the interface where those interactions occur. In that sense the demand for software has arguably never been more in demand. The key is having the right skills to perform the right jobs, as tech is a big field and not all learning paths are equal. In that way there isn’t just a perfect path for every single person, as depending on the job, your background and existing experience, and different goals, there are any number of ways to go about things.

I don’t see the demand for software related jobs going down anytime soon. Not all companies can afford to invest right now, but almost every company I can think of would invest more if they could. Once the world starts turning around, I see more investment into these tools, and thus more investment into tech.

I’d argue getting into software might be one of the most future proof jobs available, so the demand will be there, and probably has grown since the last estimate was taken. However, its worth mentioning that due to tech moving so fast, you have to keep up otherwise you fall behind. This may be true for a lot of jobs, but in tech the churn is much more often.

Good luck, keep applying, keep learning :+1:


Yeah as you pointed out that person was obviously a very qualified developer, but coming from someone who also failed to get interviews early on I feel your frustration.

I think @jwilkins.oboe advice is really good here. It’s hard to say why you don’t get interviews without knowing a bit more.

One thing I’ll say is key is to have real projects on your portfolio. Something that really jumps out at people and shows without a doubt that you’re job ready.


its here:

Ive just added a whole bunch of projects that were not previously listed. With links to the live projects. As well as a certifications section.

Ive done around 60 applications, but perhaps many of them were to the same companies as I suspect they tend to list their jobs on multiple sites… I did get one over the phone interview, for a php job, but I failed. It was not a coding interview, but rather an interview where the tech team was asking me questions. They did not say why they never got back to me, but I sense they did not like when I told them that I had not worked much with object oriented php… although I told them I could learn it…

anyways it was only paying 40K a year and they were requiring hirees to move out to virginia…

I have the following two, they are discussed more in depth in the online resume I shared above along with other projects Ive done.


php mysql app:

Applying to jobs that are advertised online, its either ghosting or a reply from their HR department:

We’ve carefully reviewed your qualifications etc… have decided to proceed with other candidates

You dont get an interview or end up ever speaking with anyone. I think you have to know people at these companies… Maybe thats why people go to bootcamps. not so much that you learn new things but more so for the connections… I can’t say.

From the job posting sites, I did recieve alot of these sorts of leads:

I’m about to leave so I don’t really have time to dig through all your stuff, but if you are sending out a lot of applications but getting no interviews, then it might be one of a few things:

  1. You are applying to positions well above your skills/experience.
  2. There is something in your resume/portfolio/linkedin/etc. that is turning them away.

Seriously, those things get overlooked, but they are really important. It took me several months before I got my resume and portfolio site in good shape.

Looking at your provided link, first impressions…

  • Nowhere to download a resume?
  • You used the next.js starter project. I know because it says that on the page and in the browser tab. I see that and it makes me think that this is someone who is just learning and hasn’t really understood how to build a page. There is nothing wrong with using starter, but clean it up.
  • I find the page a little dreary. I don’t go in for over the top design, but if you are calling yourself a designer, I would expect more.
  • Your description of yourself is: “MARKETING, DESIGN, CODING”. Those are three different things, especially the first one. Marketing is listed first. If you are trying to get hired as a software developer, then go with that. You can mention your design and digital marketing experience elsewhere. Think of it this way… If I were trying to get a job as a chef, and I advertised myself as UPHOLSTERER, RESTAURANT MANAGER, CHEF… Why is chef last? What does upholstery have to do with a chef. Sure, restaurants sometimes need upholstery done, sure it would be cool if an employee could help out, but should that be the lead?
  • I don’t like your “Engineering Principles” section. You’ve listed some basic data structures and JS concepts. To me that sounds like someone trying to fluff up a resume. If you feel especially strong in data structures, then sure, but call it “data structures” and maybe “algorithms”. For “engineering principles” I would expect things like SOLID or OOP or functional programming, maybe Agile. Maybe git.
  • For contacts, have more than just a form. What if they want to call you? What if they want to write down your email for later? What if they want to find your linkedin page?
  • I would not include “Practice Data Structures” as a certification. For that matter, your degree belongs with education, not certifications. I might have a page called “Education” instead and find a way to organize it all there.

Those are just my opinions/observations.

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Hi @kravmaguy !

I don’t think the improvements section for your projects is a good selling point.

Especially, since one of the lines starts like this
“The problem with this app is that”

You might consider removing that section.

Also, I don’t know why the images for the projects are so dark.

It doesn’t inspire me to want to click on these projects.

Hope that helps!

First of all, blindly applying to jobs online is statistically one of the least effective ways of landing a job. You need a better method.

That said, if you’re not getting any calls or emails from 30-40 blind applications, more than likely that means you’re doing something wrong in your resume and/or cover letter, and you should consider posting your resume to get feedback on it.

Coding your own projects is the best way to learn. Don’t bother with school, freeCodeCamp, bootcamp, or leetcode. Start coding something ambitious that solves a business problem, and keep doing that.

Also on your website there, don’t refer to yourself in the third person (i.e. Abe enjoys or Abe is looking). Use only first-person (I enjoy or I am looking).

Furthermore “Abe is looking for a position with a software company where he will be able to contribute to the success of the company by utilizing his skills in javascript and web development” is incredibly non-unique and doesn’t say anything useful. Write something unique and powerful that no one else will be able to write.

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Just a few things:

When I click on the “Push” button, I get the slightly confusing text:

“Marketing, Design, Coding
Is a team of software developers, digital marketers and designers
Hire us to build your web applications, …”

It’s not clear whether you’re one person applying for a job, or a group of freelancers hunting for clients.

You link to your github, facebook and linkedIn in your contact section, but the links don’t lead anywhere. I think at least a working link to github would be very important for a developer (and a non-working link could be one reason why a potential employer decides to close your page).

As for design - I’m far from being a good designer, so I’m not in the position to criticise with authority, but I think your page could use some colour. Right now it’s a little muddy, it’s neither light nor dark mode but something greyish in-between.

One minor thing, but you’ve consistently misspelled “Business” as “Buisness”.

Final thought - I’d get rid of the generic standard “two-words-plus-random-string” netlify URL. Those are appropriate for a codesandbox link to show some coding experiment, but not a portfolio.

Despite all critique, good luck & just keep going.

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First two projects as shown on the online resume:


React+firebase+express PWA, Twilio Voice IVR+ sms, Scheduling, Web push, Sendgrid, Paypal, Geolocation

Lease Warehouses is a Full stack React.js firebase application with complete IVR system that confirms and cancels meetings, texts directions to chosen buildings where a meeting is scheduled as well as a reminder 24 hours before the meeting takes place. The app utilizes web push notifications, puppeteer, twilio, paypal and google maps api.

A manager has the option to take payments for a commercial leasing application or use the coupon feature to generate a free booking ticket. Upon making a booking puppeteer will generate a copy of the map and sendgrid will email that copy along with the chosen building space plan to the individuals email adress.

If a customer entered a cell phone in the paypal api form, twilio will utilize sms messages to text a link that can be used while driving to navigate to the chosen building with the space for lease along with prompting the user to cancel or confirm the meeting. If the customer entered a landline when the payment or free form was filled out twilio API will utilize voice IVR to complete the cancel/confirm appointment feature. The card component on the map also updates the data to show available spaces and calculates the rent.


PHP, MySQL, Javascript

User Stories:

  • A user can register for an account and login using email and password
  • A user can register for an account and login using social authentication (Facebook, LinkedIn, Microsoft Outlook 365)
  • A user can Create, Read, Update and delete his buildings through the User Dashboard
  • An interested potential tenant can send out an email to the listing agent through the application
  • A user can Create, Read, Update and delete units belonging to individual buidlings through the User Dashboard
  • A user can Upload multiple images Belonging to a building
  • A user can Upload multiple images Belonging to an individual Unit in a building that he has listed for lease
  • A user can set a featured image for a building as well as a featured image for an individual unit
  • There is a gallery for each building, as well as a gallery for each individual unit created from the uusers uploaded photos.
  • I can search the map by location and the map will tell me how many buildings were found in that particular search area
  • After a search the map will display the city borders within a polygon drawn upon the map
  • A user has the ability to publicly share a link of a map that show only his listings
  • I can get directions to any listed building
  • No one outside of the app sponsor can list any buildings within 5 miles of the main buisness location
  • A superAdmin has the ability to delete a user and all his buildings and spaceplans
  • If I am a first time user that has logged in to the user dashboard i will get a tour showing me how to use the admin dashboard

2 FCC certifications, Wordpress plugins, Custom wordpress sites, Various other small projects…

Why its not enough to be considered for an entry level role in web development? I dont get it… What else am I expected to do?

What? How?
What is the path to be considered for an entry level role in web development?

Don’t bother with school, freeCodeCamp, bootcamp, or leetcode. Start coding something ambitious

But I dont have any ideas of anything else. And no one’s paying me to solve any buisness problems at the moment so…

Have not looked at the python curriculum but… Maybe I could finish the remaining fcc javascript certifications… probably in 3-4 weeks time…

Why I have to be unique? They want some application built right? and I guess they need someone who can understand the basics of why writing a piece of code one way may be more efficient than writing it a different way…

They are ready and willing to sponsor people, pay for visas etc… so hiring someone like me will save them money.

I didnt have a choice in the matter, I was working somewhere where I was responsible for everything technology related, so i had to do all of those things. I couldnt really concentrate just on coding. As for why coding is mentioned last, well thats just because I thought it had a better ring to it than Coding, Design, Marketing… or Coding, Marketing, Design…

And i had already made logos for MDC… so…

Off topic but…
I thought I was going to get into freelancing . I met a chinese developer on an online forum who told me he wanted me to open an upwork account and allow him to use it. Or to be more exact, I already had an upwork account that I had set up that wasnt getting any leads… But that he’d do the first few jobs for cheap and that way we’d build up the profile… He said he would teach me react native. He said an old account of his that he had created through a russian guy was closed down.

Then I read that its against their terms of service, identity theft concerns etc… The only way is to register as an agency, but that had a whole other set of hoops. and there was no guarantee of getting any work that way either. And everything I saw about the platform just led me to believe its a place for very cheap labor and not at all good for freelancers from the states… So… Ive abandoned that Idea… for now…

In a nutshell, thats why the online resume is confusing. I thought it was going to be a freelancing site to get clients.

I do n’t see how that follows. I’m not saying shouldn’t have done those things and I’m not saying that it should be a secret. I’m saying that when I see that tag line I infer that you are a marketing guy that does a little coding. If I’m looking for a developer, that goes to the bottom of the pile, or worse. They have 237 other resumes, all of which are clearly focussed on coding. Why would they spend time digging through yours?

I don’t know, maybe there are a lot of jobs out there for marketing guys with a little coding. I just don’t see them. If you’re looking for a developer job, then that should be emphasized. I have an MA in classical guitar and decades of experience as a jazz guitarist. On my resume, I didn’t put guitar in the tag line and I definitely wouldn’t of put it first. Sure, there’s a line in the resume - obviously in education, and a single line under employment.

And i had already made logos for MDC… so…

I would think that getting hired would be much, much, much more important. A logo is nice but not needed. And if you are a designer, it should be easy to fix. Ask yourself, which would cost more? Redoing your logos? Waiting an extra month, three months, 6 months, a year for a job?

That’s just my thought. You’re marketing yourself as a marketing guy, instead of a developer.


I understand that you are frustrated.

But the harsh reality is that knowing how to apply for the jobs that get results is a skill in and of itself. It is like that for any industry.

You have put in the work to learn how to code, get freelance experience, and build projects.

But if you don’t present yourself well on a resume, or cover letter then you are just going to be tossed aside and they might not even get to your portfolio.

I worked in an office for two years in college and saw first hand hr people take a few seconds to look at resumes and put most of them in the no pile.

A lot of them were probably qualified to do the job but they didn’t write good resumes so they were passed over.

Also, if you are applying for jobs online and not meeting the hard requirements then you might not even be passing the filters and reaching an actual human.

My advice for you is to study the job process.
Read articles on how to write effective resumes, cover letters, and how to craft a portfolio. Also read about other ways to get work other than online job portals.

You have the skills but if you don’t know how to play the game than it doesn’t matter.

Here are some articles that might help.

I think a different approach to the job hunt will improve your odds. Also covid has made things difficult for job seekers in most industries.

Just keep trying.
I wish you luck and do hope that you get a job. :grinning:

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At the risk of more shameless self-promotion, I once wrote up a doc on my thoughts on getting the difficult first job.

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Shamelessly self-promote all you want. I’ve read all of these and yours before (and just now), and yours is the best simply because you cover the spit and polish parts that others don’t. It’s not sexy, but attention to details is critical in any job hunt. It’s the part that’s usually easiest to fix too. Spell check and show up on time, people.

Since this topic is such a frequent pain point in posts in the forums, I think we need to do something, but I don’t know what (I should be in management!). I think the lowest hanging fruit would be some kind of systematic, preferably private, portfolio review. I know, I’m dreaming big. It should be free, and preferably here at fCC or some like minded place. Over time, it could even expand into counter-HR information warfare so that developers and developers-to-be can get in the door without what I consider sickening levels of personal branding talk and game-the-ATS.

But we are up the proverbial tree with the lions of ATS and self-subsidized training at the base, calling for the leopard to get up there and help out. As I look for jobs in chemistry, I find that I can’t get in the door because my career in education does not line up with what ATS thinks is a sufficiently skilled chemist. I am certain it’s the same in development. We need more human intervention at this stage, not less, and the intervention needs to be from people who understand the field, not HR.

The most consistent advice I see in essays about the job search is to get out and build. I’m sure it works anecdotally for the authors of the blogs, but rarely is there a critical eye turned to the fact this is job training that is subsidized by the job seeker for the ultimate profit of some putative business who hires them. I have no doubt that building projects is good for the builder (it’s fun!), but I question that it should be the way to land a job. I love to get out and build, but as I’m rather fond of eating I have to get out and work so my family doesn’t get out and starve.

I think before we give that kind of advice, we need to have a good hard think on what kind of projects should be built before it can be said that a person knows enough. I tire of the endless anecdotes of people who have built “apps that have filled a business need” and have a string of quantifiables attached. Folks are looking for entry jobs and that “app that fills a business need” takes time that a person is likely already spending with work and family. And odds are that the entries and juniors haven’t quantified anything yet.

When I look at the forums and watch how long it takes people to progress, and how many questions they have, and how they stumble around it makes me happy to see them fighting the good fight and improving. I’m rather less happy when people with jobs then blog the now build something refrain (oh, and blog about it too). Why isn’t anyone who finishes the MERN stack certifications here ready for an entry or junior job? If they have that and the spit and polish, then surely a business can train them for the rest. Some folks will have worked on just that for years in their spare time. That has to be worth something. They can’t possibly be a bigger idiot than I was when I started grad school or any of my other jobs. And I firmly believe that it should be the business that trains them and pays for the training, for the business will not so gladly share the profits. If our MERN stack certificates are not entry/junior ready, then we have some more low hanging fruit.

Anyway. I have lots of thoughts about the job search situation. The job search sucks for everyone that tells the truth, @kravmaguy. You’re not alone in this and good luck.

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I hadn’t looked at your projects before. It looks like you know front-end fairly well from the looks of it. But are those actual paid-work projects, or projects you came up with on your own? It needs to be really obvious what those are. If they aren’t paid-work projects, don’t call them “work”.

As I wrote before though, it matters a LOT what’s on your resume and cover letter when you apply to jobs online, because those are what recruiters and HR see first, and you will definitely get rejected very quickly if they see something off with either of those.

Also, the FCC certifications are meaningless to an extent. They should only be considered as a measurement of your progress, for the most part. If you’re using FCC to achieve the certifications and think those are going to help you get past recruiters and HR staff, they won’t. And you shouldn’t spend further time to complete any more certifications either, if that’s what you’re doing. Recruiters and HR staff don’t know FCC, its curriculum, or its certifications.

Before the COVID-19 pandemic, I would’ve suggested meetups and networking, because networking is how most people get jobs. However because we’re still in the pandemic, that’s not going to work anymore. You can still do virtual meetups and try to meet local developers that way.

I was referring to hypothetical business problems. From your projects, it seems like you already understand what that means though.

No offense intended, but seeing as you have some type of experience in marketing, the reason for being unique should be obvious. You should be marketing yourself and what you can do. Writing “looking for a position with a software company where he will be able to contribute to the success of the company by utilizing his skills in javascript and web development” is something that anyone else could also write about themselves. It doesn’t set you apart, and doesn’t make a case for you. If I honestly have to explain how that’s not helpful for you at all, then it’s clear why you’re not getting callbacks and interviews. You need to be addressing why a company should hire you over other candidates.

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here is what im taking from this thread:

  1. add some color to the website
  2. change headline on the front page
  3. make images brighter
  4. fix any broken links
  5. write a more orignal and unique description in the about page
  6. A downloadable resume link
  7. fix spelling mistakes i.e. ‘buisness’
  8. Remove evidence that it is a starter repo
  9. Add languages spoken section

The resume gets emailed to them
when they fill out the form… but I guess maybe they wont bother filling it out so Ill just add a download link.

I should hide that from them? The repo is forked anyways… I will remove the link to the resume repository and change the data in the head.

The other thing I should probably mention is that when I apply to all these online jobs, I was just sending a link to the live resume. IF there was a form field to upload a resume I would just add a text file with the line “please see my online resume linktoresume”

lm going to try this group:

on codewars I am here if anyone wants to train/compete with me:

No-one is likely to do that, so yes just put a link. Don’t put things behind walls, you are trying get a job so deliberately making it difficult for people to find out information about you is a pretty big negative.

This is not very smart: if they are asking for a resume, you give them the resume (normally in pdf or doc format). If you make people run around after you in this situation, they will very quickly give up

Edit: for example, say I am a recruiter. I ask you for a resume. You send me a link to a website. I can’t do much with that. I want something I can a. put into my systems, into whatever software I use for tracking candidates, and b. email to the developers/people in charge of hiring at relevant companies. I can’t do that with a website: I asked you for a resume which you did not provide, so there’s a major blocker to me getting back to you – to be blunt, you’ve failed to fulfil a very simple, basic task. Even worse is if I ask for a resume and you send a text file telling the person opening the file [expecting a resume] to go to a website. How do you think that’s going to go down? Like a lead balloon, that’s how.

Of course they didn’t. If the company asks for your resume, you upload your resume. If they also require a cover letter, you add a cover letter. That simple. Recruiter is not going to do some quest just to get your resume.

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