I’m doing this bootcamp
In the first exercise he asked to add a console.log(“Hello World”); in myApp.js.
I did that and I pushed my repository, I put the link, but the test doesn’t pass. why?
I wouldn’t want to use replit, is it necessary?
I’m doing this bootcamp
In the first exercise he asked to add a console.log(“Hello World”); in myApp.js.
I did that and I pushed my repository, I put the link, but the test doesn’t pass. why?
I wouldn’t want to use replit, is it necessary?
The instructions say
make sure a working demo of your project is hosted somewhere public. Then submit the URL to it in the
Solution Link
You need a live link to your project.
Do you have one?
Probably not, I just pushed the update to github.
What is the most recommended way to leave a project hosted?
The project import in replit is not working, would glitch.com be a good option?
I guess replit is the easiest solution.
You can use anything you wish. I have used replit without any issues.
Well, now the import of the replit worked, I’ll solve on replit, thank you very much!
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