Hi, i’m also new here, and i just started with learning JavaScript. Maybe you should make some pages, check awwwards and try to make it similar. And when you feel comfortable with them you go to the next goal, ja sam tako uradio preporucujem i tebi…Pozdrav
Maybe more so than most learning, I find that coding takes you actually having to doing it in the form of projects no matter how small (stubs and full fledged). Repetition and referring back to your notes, seeing it happen and thinking about it is the only way for me. Thinking about it, playing with it. Your beginner projects can be updated as you learn further concepts.
That being said, if you have taken good notes, with Screen Shots and/or example code, keep going with JS. Keep moving ahead and applying what has been covered. My advise.
I’d recommend following the FreeCodeCamp path as the earlier projects are more HTML/CSS focused and then the Intermediate ones have more JS in. Projects give you a chance to practice HTML, CSS and JavaScript at the same time.
Do what you’re comfortable with. You don’t have to master HTML and CSS before beginning JavaScript. Sometimes knowing more of the pieces helps them come together better.
If you feel like you need to be more comfortable with HTML and CSS (or Bootstrap) before adding something new, then work a bit more on those.
I’m at Twitch TV now and I still have problems using CSS to do layouts. So you just got to take the time to learn how to use CSS, while building all the websites…
As long as we are at the same page here, am interested in something. When you try to replicate some site, do you sometimes or never look at the code when you’re stuck at some point? …and if you do are you doing it the same or trying to do it in your own way?
I try my best to not look at the code. When I get stuck for too long, sometimes I will peek at the code and see how it’s done. But often times, the written code is hard to understand and it’s not that helpful anyway. Even if I understood, most of the time I did things differently anyway – it was easier to continue doing what I did than to scrap it and follow their method. More importantly, you have to understand the concept behind things; that’s what I’m trying to do now. Hope that helps!
P.S. Oh ya, and I plan to go back to my websites and polish them up afterwards. It’s good to do that.