Huge problem with cmd and python basically on my windows 10 notebook

I installed python or something in a wrong way , cause the majority of earlier codes don`t work and cmd too. Please, help me fix the problem, I cannot send my assignments to uni due to it :pleading_face: :cold_sweat: :cold_sweat: :cold_sweat: :cold_sweat: :cold_sweat:

Okay so 1st you did not install Python.
You most likely installed an IDE or something to run Python onto.
What excatlly did you install?
How did you install it?

installed python 3.8 on Microsoft store and official site, 32 bit version, notebook 64 bits, although

You correctly installed Python 3, but you appear to be missing the requests module. I’d use Pip to install it. Also, you had a typo. os vs oc.

I have Pip, although dunno how it works and why I need it(((

Pip is how you install python packages. pip install numpy or pip install requests.

I tried this out, but it still showed the mistake, although I have downloaded requests successfully previously it did not import

I think you have to add path of installed python to remove this error. You have to properly install and add python path to the environment variable.
I have found relevant tutorial for you. You can refer from there.