I eventually got my first job

Continuing the discussion from How do I get a job as a Full-Stack developer after finishing my React projects?:

I would drill myself to understand these concepts deeply on FCC. And in July of 2022, I applied to work at Revature. After testing, I got int. In August I was in and training remotely.

It was hard, but thanks to the front end work I had done already and some full-stack tutorials, I was able to breeze through pretty well.

At the end came the interview questions that are nothing like real life.

I work for a bank, I don’t think I can say which here. I felt so lucky to get in. I do a lot of good front end work thanks to FCC.

FCC really pushed me to learn things I didn’t understand. And I was slow. I always have been. With Revature I’ve had to learn how I really learn. By screwing things up a bit. Wrestling with it. Breaking things. Failure is my approach sometimes. I’ll have to study my process more sometime later.

Anyways, thanks to Christ Jesus for getting me from Baltimore City to Texas for this next step in my career.


@aquamanly congratulations on your first job and thanks for sharing your work experience on fCC forum :partying_face:

I will get hired soon as well as WordPress Developer. Recruiters on LinkedIn are contacting me and I don’t have the banner “open to work” (2 recruiters from recruitment agencies only this week) and they said they liked my CV, my projects so far are only on GitHub but my one-page website looks nice and is under construction

can I ask you exactly what were the interviews like with this company to hire you as React Developer?

what happened in all of your interview stages?

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