I lost all the data from my account

I finished the web curriculum and I asked for the certificate, but instead of directing me for having the certificate I found myself in the start page as if my account was new, and all my data has been gone. Now I’m frustrated and I really don’t want to retake and do all the projects again!!!
Any help please? :frowning:

Note: I am not a member of fCC staff.

  • It may be an account issue. Sometimes double accounts are created by accident. Make sure you’re using the same email address. See post.

  • Did you save your code? On the five certification projects, you have to save your code; otherwise all of your code will be lost upon refresh.

  • Browse other posts by searching “lost progress” here on the forum. Usually it’s an email issue: users mistakenly sign in with a different email.

Hope you find a quick solution to your issue!

yes I checked twice my email, and yes I saved my code, all was fine… I don’t know, do you think it’s hopeless to get my progress back?

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Welcome there,

In this case, it might be quickest to email support@freecodecamp.org from the email address associated with your account.

Hope this gets resolved

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yeah… I already emailed them… thanks!

Of course not. It’s never hopeless until you know for sure. Lot’s of issues like this have been resolved.

That being said, worst case scenario you’ll become really good at web programming redoing the cert projects. Just trying to stay positive :wink:

Sorry to hear about the issue! It sounds really frustrating. I’d recommend reaching out to the support team of the platform directly to see if they can restore your account and progress. Sometimes these glitches happen, but hopefully, they can recover your data without you having to start over. Good luck!