Issues running pnpm run seed when trying to set up freeCodeCamp contribution

I am new to contributing and I was following the steps in the contributing docs and I am stuck on this step. When I run pnpm run seed, the error, "DEBUG is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. Has anyone ran into this issue before?

we don’t support development on window, we are unable to help

I followed the instructions on the contributor doc for setting up freeCodeCamp on WSL, and then I followed the steps to set up freeCodeCamp locally as instructed here: . Do I have to set up a Cloud IDE to contribute if I’m using Windows?

your terminal is not a WSL terminal, you are on windows still

once you have WSL installed you need to work only in the linux terminal

So I started over and redid all the steps in a WSL terminal in VSCode and all the steps worked expect for when I tried to start the client app with pnpm run developer. I have the Mongo db running on Docker. I’m not sure what I am doing wrong.

edit: meant to say pnpm run develop

I don’t know, there are no details on the error there
but it’s not npm run developer btw

you could try removing the spaces from the folder name, that can give some issues

you should also not navigate outside of wsl, but you should clone the repo inside wsl. Putting the files you want to work on outside of wsl can cause issues

I cloned the repo with the git clone command in the WSL terminal

it doesn’t look like a path inside wsl, as that Users/chris/Desktop is tipically Windows

in vscode, did you add the extension to connect to wsl?
do you have this?

Oh I see. I’m very new to this so sorry if I’m making silly errors. How would I clone the github repo into a path that is inside WSL?

you would need to open the WSL app, or you should open a VSCode workspace in WSL, and to do this last you need the WSL extension WSL - Visual Studio Marketplace

then the default location is the root for wsl. You can then create the folders you want. For example my freeCodeCamp is at /home/ilenia/freeCodeCamp/freeCodeCamp in my WSL

I’m trying to open VSCode through WSL, but the command code . isn’t working when I’m trying to start an instance of VSCode connected to WSL.

edit: I tried restarting WSL using the wsl --shutdown command but nothing changed.
edit 2: Here is my WSL terminal

why are you in your desktop, you should not be in your desktop

did you add the WSL extension to VSCode? did you activate the connection to WSL?

I added the WSL extension to VSCode and the problem I am having is that when I use the command code . to activate the connection to WSL, I get that error. I also tried opening WSL in the root directory as well and tried running code ., but nothing happens. I am not sure if I am just making really simple mistakes.

try this set of steps: Developing in the Windows Subsystem for Linux with Visual Studio Code which show how to open the WSL terminal from VSCOde

Ok so I managed to get the code command to work by running the following code in my Ubuntu distribution window:
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install wget ca-certificates

Some questions for clarification:

When using the code command, do I need to always use it in the root directory?

This is what VSCode looks like after running the code command. Is my VSCode window suppose to look like this?:

yes, you have in the bottom left corner the WSL:UBUNTU that says you are connected to the WSL Virtual Machine

Now you can create a folder and clone the freecodecamp repo in it

I have another question for clarification. After setting up the dev environment, the only steps I need to do to work on freeCodeCamp at a different time are to run the code command in my Ubuntu window to open the VSCode in WSL, and then run the command npm run develop correct?

for following builds the best command is clean-and-develop, it avoids cache issues