I am working through the relational databases courses.
Something happened, and no matter what course I open I get these issues when I type any bash command:
bash: /home/codeally/project/.freeCodeCamp/test/.next_command: Read-only file system
bash: /home/codeally/project/.freeCodeCamp/test/.cwd: Read-only file system
bash: /home/codeally/project/.freeCodeCamp/test/.next_command: Read-only file system
In a SQL terminal I enter:
postgres=> \c universe
And receive this:
connection to server on socket “/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432” failed: FATAL: could not open file “base/24576/2601”: Read-only file system
Previous connection kept
I have tried clearing the cache, restarting my computer, deleting stuff on code ally. I am at a loss.
Yh, am having the same issue right now. I do not know if it’s a problem with me. I keep getting the same error and I do not want to lost my progress.
I think the issue is with CodeAlly. I can get the most of the lesson modules to load properly via codeally.io directly. They are just not loading via fcc.org.
everything seems to load fine now but it doesn’t really test anything, I can keep clicking run and it passes to the next test without testing it. Also it doesn’t save any changes to my countdown.sh file
I am still having issues with the Number Guessing Game. I can load other lessons fine, however, the one I need to complete does not load. Does not load on FCC, and does not load on CodeAlly.io. I even tried opening the page from an incognito window, still no good.
Is this showing up on anyone’s radar? Should I open a separate post in the forum about this?
I had multiple issues with the build five programs course, each time I opened it, it was a different issue, sometimes it wouldn’t load, other times the “read only” problem. I ended up deleting the container and starting over, that solved the issue. Thankfully I was only 20% in and I made sure to finish it in one sitting the second time around.