Learning Front-End development - Should I go from top to bottom for challenges?

Hi guys, I’m new here only been doing this for a few weeks but I had a questions about the flow of how I should be going through the camp. I completed the first little section and now I’m working on my tribute page and personal portfolio. Its says this should take about 50 hours but I guess my question is, is it okay to work on this for a little bit and finish it later so I can move on to learning JavaScript and basic algorithms or should I just 100% knockout every challenge step by step so there is no bouncing around? I’m currently going through Html,CSS, and Jquery a second time and writing down notes as I don’t feel like I’m quite capable of making my own personal portfolio yet. I’m also just eager to learn Java since I know nothing about it. Any thoughts would be much appreciated, thanks!

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i dont see a problem with that - i did a lot of bouncing around - got sick of working on one thing so i moved to something else and came back - i did the portfolio after i finished all of the front end - you will want to go back and change a lot of it after you do more projects anyway

Thank you moT01! I was really starting to freak out because I felt like I couldn’t produce to the portfolio examples I was looking at and thought I must have missed something. Much appreciated!

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From the FAQ:

Should I complete all of the coding challenges in order?

We’ve put a lot of thought into how we introduce concepts. But you’re free to jump around.

I personally think it is best to go in order as much as possible. You mentioned having trouble with the portfolio, but if you are a beginner you can make a very simple portfolio. 4 sections: Nav bar, about me, portfolio pictures, and contact. I think the fCC example portfolio can be very daunting to live up to, but remember you can always do a project as best you can, continue the course then go back later and retool it. My portfolio was terrible at first, but after I finished the front-end certificate (in order) I went back and improved it considerably. I just think going in order keeps you focused and forces you to overcome whatever hurdle is in your way, which is what you will need to do to be a productive programmer. Some projects took me weeks to complete, but I kept pushing ahead and eventually found solutions. It’s just my opinion though. Whatever makes you as productive as possible is what is best for you.

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Okay awesome, thank you for the insight CodeJord911, much appreciated!

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