I’m looking for a study-buddy to primarily motivate each other. We can keep in touch over email, maybe schedule some real-time chat and code together. Maybe look over each other’s code and give each other feedback! Maybe inspire each other about what we want to do with these skills!
For this to work, I think it’s best if we are around the same-ish level. I haven’t worked a ton here, but I’ve gone through HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, and basic algorithm scripting in Javascript.
I’m also in Europe UTC+2 time zone (France) so it might be easier if you are in a similar time zone. Also let me know if you know of any other tools to find study buddies.
Yeah, I’d really appreciate a study buddy right now
I’ve come back to programming after many years, so I’ve got a fair grip on concepts and have tinkered around with quite a few different languages in the past. I’m real rusty now, so pretty much starting from scratch. I’m part-way through CS50 (another free course) and starting again here at FCC.
I got up to the first webpage project in the basic front end last year then lost some confidence, but determined to get through the entire certification this year.
I’m better at figuring out algorithms, and much weaker on the webby side of things, if you think that would be a good match.
I’m in the UK, so the time difference isn’t too much (I’m a bit of a night-owl anyway, so likely to be around in your evening time).
Shoot me any questions if you like before deciding, probably a good idea to sound each other out to see if we think it will work
Hey, I am a first year Computer Science student. This summer I should have plenty of free time. Therefore, I will be developing most of my free time. I have taught people on how to program before as well.
Also, I will be working on several project ideas with my friends, maybe you can help too. If you want.
I love this idea, let me know what you guys are up to. Let’s keep this alive. I could use someone to share stuff with as well and I don’t mind to get over some of your guys code if we can all benefit from it.
I just started to be more serious about programming this year to support my finance work and to be able to create some of my own stuff. Perhaps even land a job where I can combine both skills.
After the new update I have to get back into what the idea is of this website as they have changed the locations of all projects which were my major motivation to go through the course. I absolutely hate to do exercise after exercise. Besides, now I have to search through the hundreds of available projects to see which one suits my current knowledge level.
Unless someone can proof me wrong here this is absolutely no improvement. Other than that freeCodeCampers --> Awesome job!
Ohw, and about me. Just check my profile and in meantime: I am from Dutch origin, living in Indonesia at the moment, married with a beautiful Indonesian woman and departing to New Zealand in 2 months for a year. My goal is to get a basic level of income by being a ‘digital nomad’.
Yeah, I’m a bit underwhelmed with the restructuring at the moment - I’m not sure why they’ve pushed the beta course into the main stream when it doesn’t seem in a finished state.
I’m finding it really demotivating having to copy and paste each of my solutions into notepad as the site no longer saves them - I’m spending far too much time doing that rather than just concentrating on coding, really annoying.
Wahh. Saya cemburu karena kamu tinggal di indonesia, haha. Saya tinggal di sana delapan tahun yang lalu, untuk satu tahun. Saya sudah terlupa bagaimana berbicara bahasa indonesia, tapi aku masih bisa menulis itu sedikit… dengan lambat dan dengan kamus (google)
I really struggled to speak and listen though - Indonesians talk at 100 miles an hour, haha.
At the moment, we’ve figuring out the best way to support each other and at the moment are going to try and check in with each other each week to keep our motivation up, and to arrange chats via discord. Suggestions welcome.
What is your level of experience at the moment, and what lessons were you doing before the map got messed up?
I’m sure the other guys will be along later to say hello
Hi there , ive glanced this post and i like the idea of a study group. And i would like to invite everyone to my discord server which is focused on javascript .
This group is new and im looking for people who can be active to join!. And although its heavy javasvript for now, i may change it to a more general study group that caters to everyone =)
The goal of the group is to complete challenges and projects in javascript and to improve their javascript skills and to motivate each other.
How it works is that each challenges there is a specific timeframe everyone can follow as a guideline to complete the challenges. These challenges are not mandatory to complete within the timeframe but used a guideline to complete.
Right now thr group has 10 members and aims to complete the data structures and algorithm challenges. And afterwhich the next challenge is 30 days of js by wesbros
So do join the link if ur interested =)
I am also looking for moderators , who can help manage the server
Considering the fact that I am in Canada, I am not sure if there is anyone around that will be available to be in study group but I would definitely appreciate if someone would join me as study buddy.
Sorry for the delay in getting back to you all - real life getting in the way of fun stuff and coding as usual!
It’s really cool that so many people are keen to get together and help each other study.
We’ve had a lot of interest and and think its probably going to work best if we try to arrange a couple of smaller groups/buddy pairs to keep things easy to manage.
We’ve just organised a small group in similar time zones who can work together, but don’t want to leave anyone hanging without buddies!
I’ll invite you all to a private message thread so we can all keep in touch there, and see if we also can arrange other groups who have similar schedules. Throw any questions or chat in there, and hopefully we can get a study network up and running.
@Balancedsan mentioned he had a discord server and a bigger study-group up for JS, so I think that might be really helpful for everyone if he still has space - I’m currently doing the algorithms section, so I’m interested.
@alexandriaroberts and @MarcusQ - I noticed you’re both in the same timezone with (Indonesia and Thailand) so you might both be around at the same times?
Anyway, I’ll get the invites out shortly, and nice to meet you all
Hi I’m Gracious I recently joined code camp and it would be fun for me to study with someone
Currently I’m writting my exams so I won’t be able to study codes
So I’ll start doing it on the 21 June
So I’m interested in being anybody’s buddy
I’m from South Africa
I’m sure you’ll find the group really helpful, its been great so far to have other campers to support each other
I think some of you have already found your way onto @Balancedsan’s discord server, I’m sure he will be around to invite you if you can’t get on.
The start date for everyone to begin the JS section together is 08/06 (today for me) so you won’t be far behind.
(It’s optional anyway, there’s no pressure).
@thep also has a slack channel, so there are plenty of options for keeping in touch!
Hey guys can i join in? I’m trying to get started on the JavaScript curriculum as well and could use the support, I don’t have a discord account but can create one if necessary.