Looking to donate time and continue to practice

Hey freeCodeCamp community!

I have just today finished the Responsive Web Design course and gained the FreeCodeCamp certification for it. I know I have a long way to go from here and this is only the beginning of the journey. I started the JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures and I am hoping to gain the certification for it by the end of April.

I was thinking that I would love to continue to practice what I have learnt and more while I am learning other languages/frameworks so that it remains fresh, but it would be great if I could also donate some time and practice at the same time.

Would you be able to advise me where and/if I can contribute at least a little bit at this stage? I am not looking to become a Web Designer as I don’t think I have the eye for designs but I comfortable with starting to build an already made design.

What I would be interested in is a place where I can find some projects that need to be completed mainly for newbies like me. I can donate a few hours a week. If I could receive some feedback from fellow more experienced coders after completing the project/s, that would be awesome.

[I have not yet purchased a domain/hosting yet. I am planning to do that soon-ish.]

Thank you for your time.
Happy coding! :slight_smile:

This site has projects that range in difficulty level. They include the image files so you can just work on the code.

Also, if you want someone to follow along with, Jessica Chan, Coder Coder, on Youtube has videos where she works on these projects from start to finish.

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Thanks! Looked over it and it looks great especially for a newbie like me.
Will definitely give the challenges a try.

Thanks for helping me find out about this website.
I’m a noobie programmer at the moment, and I do need help.

Wondering, about using their blank templates and images to use for my own FCC Projects. Is this allowed?
Suffering from a little bit of creative block etc.