My Survey Form Project Feedback

Hi All,

I have just completed the Survey Form Project and would love some feedback on it.

I completed the task using HTML, Bootstrap, CSS and jQuery.



Looks pretty good! Here are few suggestions.

  • Give your #form-header bigger margin top.
  • On tablet view. Type of trip input icon stretches towards bottom and spills out.
  • On iphone5/SE view, text in the button overflow to the right. Also a vertical scroll bar is created.

Cheers :clap:

You form indicates that ‘name’, ‘email’ and ‘room number’ are required but if I click on Submit Form I get a success message that says “Thank You For Your Feedback”. There’s nothing indicating that I haven’t filled out the required fields.

codepen provides validators for HTML, CSS and JS. Click on the arrow in the upper right and then the respective ‘Analyze’ link. There’s a couple of things you can clean up in HTML and CSS.

Looks good though.


Thank you for your feedback, it was very constructive.

I have increased the margin and the issue with the button but I am still working on the input icon stretching issue. Not quite sure why it is happening to that input field.

Thanks again,


Hi Roma,

Thank you for your feedback. It was very good.

I think I have fixed the issue with the alert occurring even though the required fields were blank.

I had the alert triggering on a click event when the submit button was pressed. This was bypassing the form validation. I have changed the alert to trigger on a submit event using the form id.

Thanks once again and glad you thought the form looked well.
