I am new to coding and just started python.
I started by referring Python for everybody.
I am sometimes getting doubtful of my own capabilities in coding.
I think I need more advises from those who had already passed the current stage I am in and also from those who are struggling like me.
Help me out and give me tips to improve myself in this new start.
I newbs too btw, but i just want to share something i have know atleast.
First things if you want to learn something you should know what you wanted build, you want to learn python? Python can do much things, so choose one. Dont learn all stuff can python make for now, example you will start with make a website backend with python (Django)
Btw i forgot to mention where you should learn python. You can learn python from freecodecamp youtube channel if you more interesting with audio visual, or you can follow freecodecamp certification.
Freecodecamp youtube channel is awesome if you want make a “portfolio”.
Thanks alot for the reply.
Actually i am interested in machine learning and started learning python.
Can you please tell how you started learning python from basics?
Any preferred materials or channels?
Thanks a lot.
I will go for the youtube channel
Idk a lot about ML things, but if you interested with other things i have little awesome things i thing you should know. here : https://roadmap.sh/
Hi @vyomaphile_001,
Well if you are a beginner I suggest learning the basics of Python from https://pythonprinciples.com/ and then coming back to FCC to do Scientific Computing or Machine Learning or whatever you wish.
I recommend Python Principles because it is the best one for beginners and they have interactive lessons just like FCC. After learning that try to build a simple game using python. Freecodecamp youtube channel has a Pygame tutorial which was originally uploaded by Buildwithpython youtube channel. I suggest checking out both those channels.
Then go learn advanced stuff!!!
Thanks alot.
I will check it out
- Take baby steps. They add up over time.
- Do something every day. Keep the material fresh. Even if it is just a little bit.
- Find some project that you feel passionate about.
Thanks for reply.
I think i will do python principles first then.
Its a free platform, right?
Yes thanks alot for replying
I think i have to stay focused and practice a lot first
yes it is free. It might not make sense to some, but it isn’t just free… it’s the best platform I’ve run across.
Type small code snippets on its IDLE shell, type and run rather larger code from the IDLE editor. Refrain from using any IDE (vscode,NotePad++,Sublime, etc.) for now, hard typing everything may help you get used to the programming language’s syntaxis.
I guess everyone has doubts about coding, especially as a career. To overcome these doubts its always good to see results. So if for example you’re working with web applications, work on your UI and see some results, try to get a professional looking application, it should motivate you to continue coding.
I also took some Python courses at university, it is a powerful and capable language and used broadly by software engineers etc. If you are looking at machine learning I guess you could take some time off coding and do lots more math, I know data scientists do a whole lot more math and that way you can approach your machine learning in a more solid way.
Overall if you read more broadly in software design or even management methods you can learn to build solid programs and if you’re more organised you can reinforce your coding with other methods and other protocol that should make it more wholesome for you to code.
Now they are providing Pro Memberships for free. Join if you like.
I am using atom text editor now.
Thanks for your reply
Thanks for your reply.
Its informative.
If there is more platforms like this where I can learn, improve and find more free materials and practice more then please suggest that to me.
I am also doing some math too.
read some books like python for everybody, head to python,python for beginners you will get lot of books in google
That’s good, as long as you don’t hate math, I know there’s some haters out there I just don’t understand.
I used some fcc a while back, then I got into a few udemy courses, but I’ve ended up using more ebooks, textbooks so I’m still using js and learning typescript, but also have some python resources in case I need it later on.
Excellent question, and fantastic replies. Thank you all