Hello! In short I’m in the JavaScript path now since I have massive issues with completion I decided to peak ahead to the final projects. I was really stressing over the phone number validation one, and since I already completed the regex section prior I just went for it. Evidently my solution worked (after damn near 3 hours of writing/testing) and I’m thrilled with that. I just want to make sure this is ok to get the cert. I obviously plan on completing the entire course, but I wanted to get a project or two out of the way.
AFAIK, the final projects are all the cert cares about. You can skip the lessons. But I would be careful doing that - make sure you really understand everything or you’re just cheating yourself. One of the issues with self-teaching is that it requires a lot of discipline.
Really appreciate that. There’s no way in hell I’m skipping the lessons but wanted to nail the regex project after the lesson considering I hate regex with every fiber of my being.
I need as much JavaScript as I can get given my tech stack at work changed from .NET to nodejs so I’ll be finishing every bit of this course. Thanks again!
Well, some of that is going to be important in the later projects. But the initial section (JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures) does not depend on HTML and CSS. You could skip to that or work on HTML/CSS in parallel with JavaScript. The Libraries and Data Viz sections depend on HTML/CSS but I don’t think the APIs and Microservices section does - in theory you could skip to that if you’re JS is solid - that is actually building Node servers.
So, in theory, you could go JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures and then skip to APIs and Microservices. Obviously it would be good to get it all eventually, but if your shortterm goal is Node, I think that would work.