Hey guys!
So I am just starting out and wanting to learn how to program. I’ve watched countless videos discussing where to start and it seems like everyone has a different opinion on which language, learning method, or roadmap is best, and I’m honestly a little overwhelmed by all the different opinions on how to get started (especially without being able to engage in a conversation with the video creators).
Would anyone be willing to offer some advice on where to start? I’ve looked at the overall flow of freecodecamp and saved a handful of videos from YouTube and Udemy. Right now my goal is to be able to build a website that can store attendance information for my organization that is easy to interact with (I know that sounds super minimal).
I appreciate any feedback!
Since this is a forum for the freeCodeCamp.org learning community, you’re mostly going to get recommendations to start with that curriculum. It’s designed to be done in order, so you start at the beginning and keep going until you’re done.
Hi @Litheness !
Welcome to the forum!
There is more then one way to learn how to code.
That is why everyone is going to give their opinion on what worked best for them.
There will never be just one path to learn how to code.
My advice is to identify how you best learn, (books, videos, interactive learning, etc) and start.
As was mentioned earlier, give freeCodeCamp a try.
But also, in this industry, everyone is going to have an opinion on all facets of software.
All of those opinions will be rooted in what worked best for them and clouded by their experiences.
So it is fine to ask for opinions but then, go with what is going to work best for your situation.
What works best for one person might be completely wrong for the next.
freeCodeCamp teaches all of the skills to be able to build that
Thank you for the feedback! That makes complete sense.
Hello @Litheness, welcome! I agree with the previous comments, and as someone who knew almost nothing about coding before I started the freeCodeCamp curriculum, I can highly recommend it for learning the basics. Start with the Responsive Web Design to get a handle on basic HTML and CSS, then move on to Javascript. By the time you are done with the Javascript course, you should have at least a basic feel for the flow of programming and what works for you. Don’t be afraid to ask questions here on the forum if you get stuck, someone will always be around to help you figure out the answers. Good luck and happy coding!
Thank you! Excited to dive in, just wanted to be sure of where to start.
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