Hi, everyone. Few days ago I’ve finished my Personal-Portfolio project and I want to read your opinion about it. So be free to coment this. Thanks
P.S I’m still learning English.)) So if you find some mistake feedback please.
Nice one, I also finish it yesterday. A little mistake I notice with the navigation bar links. You didn’t link them anywhere. Same for your footer’s one, it only goes back to the top.
<div class="nav__menu nav__menu_bg">
<a href="#" class="menu__link menu__link_nav">About me</a>
<a href="#" class="menu__link menu__link_nav">Introduction</a>
<a href="#" class="menu__link menu__link_nav">Project</a>
<a href="#" class="menu__link menu__link_nav">Contacts</a>
Thanks for feedback @zergoss, I’ll resolve it a bit later. I’d like to see your project too, if you want you can leave the link for it.
Your CSS breaks for smaller widths (test it in codepen). I see that you have a query for mobile, but I think that for small devices it may not work.
Great job on the navbar, looks pretty nice and works nicely.
Just an opinion, I’d tone down the green hue a little bit, seems too strong for my eyes at least.
your project is amazing … mine sucks can you suggest anything
link: https://codepen.io/Lord_jev/pen/qBWyNEX
Thanks for your feedback , @lezojeda
You know maybe I don’t realy good in codepen, infact I’ve written it on Visual Studio and after I just copy and past in Codepen. I’ve just tested it and it is responsive. Is that wha you mean? Can you explain better where it is breacking? Thanks.)
Hi, @LordJev. Thank you for feedback my project. I have took a look at your project and made some changes. I have commented some pice of code and done things a bit im my way I know to do. My advice for you:
1 - never use ID to style css, also I prefer not use deshendant selectors and I never use inline selectors. Because it can bring you a problem to overwrite them in the future.
2 - Your HTML is not very clear to understand. Try to devide sections in some order for example I found on the top tag instead of and some misunderstanding in footer section. Also you should separate them and comment.
Here the link with changes:
It seems a little bit messy, just add a few things more and give them a little bit space so it will look better.Thank You