Hello. I would be very grateful for some feedback.
Kept things pretty spartan for the moment. It’s only really the colours I’m not completely happy with, but let me know what you think.
Many thanks,
Hello. I would be very grateful for some feedback.
Kept things pretty spartan for the moment. It’s only really the colours I’m not completely happy with, but let me know what you think.
Many thanks,
Really good. It looks professional.
The design is totally clutter free and responds with pixel perfection and i even like the honesty in your little bit of about me text.
the menu is very smooth, i think i’ll revisit mine and have a go with Jquery.ui
I like the colors, these shades are not the best ever contrast as said, but i think if you go up a weight or two on the small font you will get away with it.
I wish i’d have kept with bootstrap, instead i tried to be smart arse with media queries and flexbox. Take a look, I think you’ll agree that yours is much more professional feeling.
Thanks a lot!
Very generous praise. I must admit though that I found the scrolling JS elsewhere and don’t yet completely understand it. I’ll revisit once I’ve learnt a bit more.
Yeah, that red font there still bothers me. I tried switching the greys order to dark (navbar), light, dark, light, dark, which made the text far more legible, but I much prefer the current scheme. I’ll try to embolden it as suggested below.
Thanks again!
Thanks Mark!
I’ve tried your suggestion and it looks a lot better. Might have to lighten the background too.
Interesting point about pixel perfection. I spent a lot of time on that, far too much I’m sure.
Yours look great! I like a bit of cheek I honestly think yours looks more professional. Maybe it’s too easy to be critical of our own work?
I love how the navbar slides out, neat trick. Maybe change it though so the links don’t jump a bit when you hover? Otherwise I see nothing else, unless maybe centre vertically your social media links at the bottom.
Oh, and with the dropdown navbar I made it so mine disappears when you click a link. Though that might be personal preference.
Thanks again.
I like your text better like that too. The contrast is better for sure.
I have another suggestion for you regarding the order of the text and image, one that was suggested to me for my tribute page.
Make your picture appear above the text on smaller screens, i.e. change the order. You can “pull” or “push” the columns in bootstrap, it’s quite simple. You can see it in my tribute page HTML (in the col classes) or a Google search will tell you all about it.
Re: my menu, the sliding function is just one I pinched off codepen so not my work. It is pure CSS which is why I chose it. I have wanted to revisit it to make a better one that slides away like the jquery.ui but until I played with your site I didn’t know Jquery.ui existed and I felt I was going too far from the scope of the challenge.
Also, I never noticed the wobbly menu font, so thanks for that… something else to fix and I should probably remove the “attention to detail” bit from my content seeing as I missed that one
Thanks, that’s a good idea, I’ll make the change.
Yeah, it’s hard to know how far we should go. The tutorials don’t quite teach enough, and it’s hard to know how much further to push things.
Haha, don’t remove it! It’s not like these pages are finished products.