I have opened up CodePen to begin my first Responsive Web Design project . However, the drop down menu that allows you to test your project (usually an icon with 3 green bars appearing in the output window) does not appear. Please can you advise?
Hello @Neil-Mclachlan !
If you want to see the “icon with 3 green bars” please don’t delete that:
<script src="https://cdn.freecodecamp.org/testable-projects-fcc/v1/bundle.js"></script>
Thanks for your reply Stefan. Unfortunately that doesn’t appear on my screen!
That’s interesting… (in the bad sense)
I can see that you have a lot of pages opened… try to close them all, then try again…
@Neil-Mclachlan, ensure your browser is set to accept third party cookies.
Thanks Roma, that worked
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