Putting together an educational list for learning through games!

Hi all,

I love learning to code, it’s so much fun. But I sometimes find learning through blogs, videos and books to be a little boring. I don’t always feel like I understand the concepts fully, and that is mostly because I’m not practicing along as I go. In order to solve this, I find learning by playing games the most effective way. That’s why I am putting together an ultimate resource list for learning web development through games. It would be awesome to get everyones help and make this a go to resource for Free Code Campers.

For example, I learned to totally memorize Flexbox with these two games:


And I’ve played this to learn some basic JS, but I didn’t go very far as it was a little slow for my liking:

But I would love to add more to the list in all areas of web dev. I started a Google Doc here, where anyone and everyone can collaborate :slight_smile:


Feels really old-school using the keyboard for navigating a game, but it helps you get used to Vim’s controls.

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So cool… I was just telling someone today that I need to take a look at flex-box to learn it, and then you post this! Seems pretty easy so far…made it to Level 10 on the defense game…will need to finish it later. So you really learned flex-box with those two games alone? Hrmm!!! The future looks bright! :smiley:

Thanks so much for sharing this!

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I didn’t learn everything there is about flexbox but it really helped me memorize the fundamentals… That’s what I loved best, just the fact that I can now remember the syntax without any problems :slight_smile: repetition, repetition, repetition is key, but it has to be fun and engaging…

Maybe if we get some momentum and people are interested we could build a game for FCC as well :slight_smile: