Responsive web design certificate question

Hello everyone, i’m new to learning web developement through freeCodeCamp, and i have a question. does finishing and claiming the “Responsive web design” certificate mean i’m now a front-end web developer, or do i need additional certificates or courses ?

Hi there and welcome to our community!

Completing the Responsive Web Design certification will give you a good foundation in HTML and CSS but you will also need to gain a solid foundation in Javascript and become familiar with front end development libraries. These are covered in the certifications which follow.

There is a lot to learn but the community is here to support you on your journey!

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so i need to claim the two following certificates to become a front-end developer ?

I guess it depends on what you mean by “become a front-end developer”. Can you build interesting and complex static applications without instructions? Are you building (“developing”) application frontends? If you’re developing applications than you are a developer. It isn’t some title that you claim by completing any number of online certificates.


i understand that well, i meant to ask if the courses in those three certificates cover everything i need to learn to become a front-end developer, or do i need other following courses ?


Can you explain a little more about what you think is a “front-end developer”

i think it means that i’m able to build static web pages, correct me if i’m wrong.

Why do you want to become a front-end developer? If you’re looking at a career, then the answer will be very different from if you are doing it for fun.

no, i’m looking at a career