Need feedback on my resume and linkedin. I am not getting any interviews and it’s getting more and more depressing day by day.
I had posted a similar post a year back:
Have learnt a lot since then but things don’t seem to change much for me.
Please help.
First, I will encourage you not to give up. I know it feels like shit, but giving up is never an option.
Second, I will advise to create a strategy even in situations like this. Sit down with a book and pencil, and start writing down all of your blockers, and opportunities within those blockers.
Third, I had a quick look at your online profiles, and it looks GOOD to me and I should comment that there are tons of relevant opportunities for you.
Fourth, look at the right places for such opportunities such as LinkedIn, Glassdoor and Indeed.
Even people in my close circle applied to more than 100 jobs in a month and still never got anything, so I will encourage you not to give up at this early stage at all.
Let us know if there is anything the community can do for you.
Thanks for reviewing and replying with this depth.
I switch between grinding Leetcode and doing dev, that’s the consistency might seem to be missing on GH.
I tried approaching YCombinator startups but most of the companies seemed to prefer someone with more experience and internship opportunities seem to be rare these days.
Thanks again.