Should we expect a new ReactJS course anytime soon?

Welcome, arsen1c.

In general, I recommend you check out the plans for the new version of the curriculum: What do you think of the 2020 curriculum updates? - Contributors - The freeCodeCamp Forum

This does include some new React content. However, it is unlikely there will be any additions/rewrites of the current format/version of the React content. So, you are most likely best starting with it anyway.

It is important to remember that a lot of code bases still solely use class-styled React. So, any information you get from the “outdated” content on the curriculum is still relevant, and might help you, depending on where you go from here.

Example: the freeCodeCamp platform still has many class-styled components in the codebase. So, if you want to contribute, it would be beneficial to know both the latest, and the previous. We are transitioning to functional-styled components with hooks, but this is a slow, non-essential process.

Hope this helps