Alright, the basic issue is this: I want to upload projects I did for the FCC curriculum to GitHub and I intend to use VSCode in the future.
I am facing the following issue:
How exactly do I preview some of the projects I did here, e.g. my Anonymous Message Board in my browser. Or more specifically, how do I preview all of the files of one project simultaneously (say, my html file, my server.js, app.js, and so on)?
Are there other issues I need to be aware of? Thanks for your help!
Alright I am facing another small issue that should be easy to fix, but I can’t seem to get it figured out:
How exactly do I go live with something like the Anonymous Message Board on the server in a way that it will be functional?
Whenever I go live with the entire project, I see a display of all of the folders/files in the directory, but whenever I only go live with the html file/-s they are not functional.
I hope I could make the situation clear and would greatly appreciate any help!
Edit: Or would it perhaps be better to just stick with for these types of projects?
Hm, for some reason the server extension doesn’t seem to work as it should, since it’s only showing me the files in the browser, but it’s not actually functional. If you have any clue why that might be, please let me know.
But I guess I’ll just do some research on that and try a couple of things out. I have also got myself a heroku account, so hopefully that will work too. Thanks for your help!