Hey everyone,
I’m coming from a business background, but coding was my hobby for a bit now. In my first internship, I worked at the tech company and after chatting with developers my interested in web development increased. I finished FFC frontend developer path, when it was still the “old one”. I also did a couple of JavaScript related courses on Udemy (Complete Javascript, JavaScript the wierd parts, Vue.js and still working my way through React.js course). During this journey I build a couple websites for my friends and for fun. At some point I decided to take a leave my job and join a coding bootcamp focused on Ruby on Rails, which I recently completed. Right now I’m trying to find a junior developer job (frontend or RoR), but as expected it’s quite challenging, given lack of “professional experience”. Most of the time the companies don’t reply or reject my application straight away, which I guess is normal. So far I managed to get one interview after a solving coding challange, but at the end the company decided to not take me. The feedback I got was lack of general knowledge about programming, not a specific programming language. I started working on that and my friend who’s a software developer offered me to help me out a bit by going through some mock interviews on the weekend from time to time.
I was wondering if you would have any other advice on what could I do to increase my chances for landing a job as a dev? Perhaps it would make sense to get an internship first, but I can’t seem to find any internships for the stuff that I know in my area (Poland). Do you know any resources where I could look for an internship/junior position other than indeed.com or linkedin?
This is already getting quite lengthy, but I also prepared a portfolio website which I send with my CV, and would highly appreciate some feedback on it if you feel like it: https://www.janczizikow.com/
I’m not sure what to do next, for now I keep with my job search and try to prep for interviews as much as possible. I would really appreciate any words of advice.