Survey Form Project

Hey, I’m in the middle of my survey form project and I know completion times vary person-to-person, but I’m curious what kind of time-frame should I look at reaching out for outside help? I’m not googling how to code certain parts, I’m not looking for completed code to try to figure out where i went wrong. for some people, coding just makes sense, should i seek outside help after the first week? two weeks? month? i want to figure this puzzle out myself, but i don’t want to spend 6 months on a simple survey form. Thanks in advance!


There is no time limit. If you are having a problem and have truly given an honest try to fix it but are having no luck then feel free to ask a question here. Trying to figure things out on your own first is great, but being stuck and frustrated for weeks is not going to help when you are learning.

And there is nothing wrong with using google to look up information to try and help yourself figure it out. What you don’t want to do is just copy/paste code without understanding what it does. But it is impossible to remember all the details about everything there is to know about web development.

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Ok, I have figured out my mistakes from before, but now I’m to the point of submitting my code. when I run the tests, it fails me on “Every radio button group should have at least 2 radio buttons.” Im confused as there is only one radio button group. Any ideas?

I noticed a spelling error in the first radio-button. It is located in the attribute following the type attribute.
This may be part of the issue.

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Thanks a million! that solved it!! Code accepted.

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Happy to help. Keep up the good progress.

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