The Complete Web Developer in 2018 - Udemy Review

This is my review of the udemy course The Complete Web Developer in 2018: Zero to Mastery Roadmap from Andrei Neagoie
VS The Web Developer Bootcamp from Colt Steele.

Given that I’m the original poster of the The Web Developer Bootcamp Udemy Review from Colt Steel I get a lot of notifications. It currently has 36k views so you’ve probably seen it. In the conversisions people started talking about Andrei’s Neagoie’s course, and I thought maybe I would check it out and let you know what I think.

The verdict.

So finished up the HTML and CSS sections. This is from video 1 to 61. I have to really say that I am not that impressed. What makes The Web Developer Bootcamp so special is I KNEW HTML and CSS because I’ve had to build several small things along the way. Colt has slides, and does a deep dive into the fundamentals. So far we’ve built a form, and some basic selectors and then jumps to us watching with with flexbox. Colt teaches you first, then shows you what you need to build. Only after that he shows you how to do it. He doesn’t get too deep into it. I am really not impressed with the quality of the content on some of the fundamentals.

I ended up getting a refund on this course. Colt, teaches you arrays, objects and the other data structures. I really feel like this could have been a lot better. The whole thing felt like scratching on the surface, and definitely not mastery. Go and buy The Web Developer Bootcamp.

What do I like about Andrei’s course:

What he has differently that Colt does not have is a discord. I think that was genius. I wish when I was struggling through JavaScript that I didn’t have to it alone. He’s building a community and that has so much value. I will finish the rest of this and let you know but I may end up getting a refund.

How could have Colt improved his course?

He could have finished YelpCamp. However; I was able to expand what I already knew because the fundamentals were there.


can you suggest me a good javascript course ? because i am a beginner in javascript

Colt Steele does teach you JavaScript. He’s not teaching you asyc, await, or any of the new stuff.

I’m telling you it will take you far. Not all the way but far.

So Colt won for you?

Yes. He gave us several times to build on things that we learned and sometimes made us find it ourselves. When you were asked to make things like the photo gallery he asked you to make it first.

I skipped the bootstrap section and got through the javascript part which is very very short. Just brushed over so he can “teach you” more technology.

what to do with andrei then, refund?

I believe you could start by taking this course: Javascript tutorial for new web developers. It’s only 1 hour long but very straightforward.

Also, what helped me to learn coding while I was a beginner is reading code theory which clearly explains all operations together with practicing coding on various free hosting sites. Here is JavaScript theory for you: Javascript basics

Hope this helps!

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Yes, I did. Could you remove your rating… unless you think it’s really a 5 star course then let me know Im wrong!

I agree. This course is only for those who already have their concepts clear from other programming language and want to learn JavaScript in a short time. Disappointed!

I’m not sure if this is something Colt added after you did his course, but he has a gitter for chat. He gives you the link at the beginning of the course and encourages you to sign up. It seems to be pretty active too.

Hi imcodingideas,

In my opionion, to be able to compare both courses seriously, you have to finish both of it.
I finished both courses (in reverse order than you) and for me, the opposite is the case.

Let’s compare them complete objectively:

The Web Developer Bootcamp

  • Deployed in 2015 (what I’ve seen so far from some Date infos in the videos)
    So, online since 3 Years

    Front-End Dev Skills

    • HTML5, CSS 2(in the css Section), Bootstrap, Javascript (up to ES5), jQuery

    • Additional Javascript techniques like OOP at lecture 39 with Ian as instructor

    Back-End dev Skills

    • Node Js, ExpressJs, APIs, EJS Templates, MongoDB (NoSQL),
      RESTful Routing Rules, Authentication with passport Package

    General Dev Skills

    • Command line
    • Git and Github
    • Deploying on Heroku

The Complete Web Developer in 2018

  • Deployed in 2018
    So, online since 9 months (until now)

    Front-End Dev Skills

    • HTML5, CSS3( used in the CSS section), Bootstrap, Javascript (ES5,ES6,ES7,ES8),
      React.js + Redux, Async Communications with Javascript

    Back-End Dev Skills

    • APIs, Node JS, Express JS, Postgres SQL (Relational Database, SQL),
      RESTful Routing Rules, self-developed Authentication throughout the course project

    General Dev Skills

    • How the Internet Works
    • History of the Web
    • Career of a Web Developer
    • Command Line
    • Developer Enviroment
    • Git, Github and Open Source Projects
    • A Day in the Life of a Developer
    • Deploying on Heroku
    • Job interview Tips
    • Workplace Setup with NodeJS, Postgres SQL and Sublime Text

This are the course outlines from both courses. At the end of the day, they are different in:

  1. Up-to-Date techniques like React an SQL
  2. The teaching style of the instructors

Pros and Cons

The Web Developer Bootcamp


  • Detailed explanation
  • Looks like Colt has lot of expirience as Instructor
  • Teaching Assist takes care of the Notes and the content at all


  • Missing up-to-date CSS layouting techniques like flexbox
  • No ES6, ES7, ES8 (for example: modules.exports beginning at section 30, no async/await)
  • No communication between Front-End and Back-End because all pages are generated through EJS Templates
  • No setup for local machines, everything goes over Cloud9. To use Cloud9 the way which is showed in the videos, a seperate sign up link was generated (not possible over the offical way)

The Complete Web Developer in 2018


  • Short part of general informations about HTML and CSS and only the things which you really need. Other tags or CSS properties are learned with course projects and the community throughout the Course.
  • Javascript intense content and techniques because this is what a developer will need nowadays to be successful
  • Number 1. Framework React to take care of the Front-End part of the final Project app
  • The Discord Community where also the instructor Andrei is still active
  • Coding Challenges to keep the learning process going on


  • Some of the audios are not the best quality
  • Not as much expirience as Video Instructor as Colt has


The Web Developer Bootcamp

The Web Developer Bootcamp may be a good choice, but what you is missing in this course is, you don’t learn advanced and up-to-date javascript like ES6, ES7, ES8.
That means, no Arrow Functions, no higher order functions like map,reduce or filter and no Object Oriented Progamming techniques (only at the very end of the course as additional Section).

The gitter Chat for the community is very hard to follow because there are only 3 different channels.
Once you finished the course, you are finished with the course. By this comment I mean, you can’t identify yourself with the course and you move on instead of coming back.

So in the end, it was of course the Course which you wanna choose in the past days to become a Full stack developer. But for the requirements for nowadays, chances to make the dream come true of getting a Web developer Job are not high anymore.

The Complete Web Developer in 2018

The Complete Web Developer course might feel like a rush at the beginning because of the not very detailed HTML and CSS section but, keep in mind that you learn a lot more throughout the Course.
The most important skill is of course Javascript and the React framework what you’ll get all at once instead of buying another course.
The Instructor constantly updates the young content (again this course is available since 9 months until now) and respects the feedback and also, replies to it himself.

Additionally to the Full-Stack skills you’ll learn, you also get tips and tricks on Job interviews, the history of the web and how things work under the hood.
At the end of the day, you learn hard and soft skills.

You not only get those skills to find the rest what you are interessted in. You will also find a place (the Discord community) which feels like a big familiy.
As an additional service, monthly Coding Challenges keeps the group of students together and creates a real world like developer community where you try and fail and also motivate each other to become a better developer.
After you finished the course, the Course is not over. It is a ongoing learning flow with an safe place to envolve and get better and better.


My personal opinion about your very hard judgment is, th

at judging that fast without finishing the course is not fair.

To build a personal opinion, you’ll have to finish both courses. I think otherwise, it couldn’t be a honest judgment.
Keep in mind, that you can have a bad impact on the reputation of something if you post a review. And again, it is a reality-distorting review because you don’t give the complete Course a try before you wrote the review.

My Statement for other users which will read this

Please, make yourself a bender of a Course or whatever before you blindly belive in a Review (espacially a review which was made depending on one third of it).
You always have the chance, to get a refund if it really don’t like it or if the instructur teaching style isn’t the style which you would prefer.

Before I go I want to say, happy coding and happy learning to all readers.

Cheers :slight_smile:


thanks for the review.

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Anthony Alicea’s Understanding Javascript: the weird parts

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too bad anthony haven’t updated it.

I agree it should be updated and include ES6 on his material, but it’s still pretty solid for fundamentals

Here’s my recommendation:

Good teacher and he is still updating the course after a year. He just added A Node section a week ago.

What about this?

You know I just don’t click with this one but it has nothing to do with him just me and my way.

nice poste i like this but not what I’m trying to do…

Have anyone tried Angela Yu course? It was labeled with the “highest rated” course in web development at udemy for some time.